Daily Predictions for Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Daily Predictions for Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Daily Predictions for Wednesday, 30 August 2017

General Daily Predictions: Once again I’ll refer to the hexagon of Jupiter and Saturn. It is, of course, still very strong on its own. Today, it will probably be even stronger and much more brilliant. Why? Because today the Moon supports both these planets as it conjuncts Saturn and forms a hexagon with Jupiter, of course. Even more so, these will be the only major aspects for the day. Later on a triangle with Mars will start forming. This is also an auspicious aspect, and it will energise us, but it will affect mostly the 31st.

Sagittarius, Libra and Leo will be the luckiest signs. Gemini and Aries will be the less lucky ones. But do keep in mind that this is a mostly good day for all zodiacs.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Foreign countries and people from there may play a good role in your day today. If you intent to travel, this will be a good day to do so. Even more so, it promises that what you want to achieve from this trip will be graded. Marriage and business partnerships are good, and evolve nicely.

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Daily Predictions for Taurus:

A very powerful magical day, especially for those who work with meditation, creative visualisation and ritual magic. Other than that your sexual instinct and is very active and your sexual energy very high, but in a mostly good way. It empowers your good health, helps healing where is needed, and enhance your charms. Even more so for those seeking, or are in, a relationship with considerable age difference. Work is also important and goes well today.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Love is the key word of the day. You love life and your children’s love life is important and a source of joy for you today. Marriages that are performed today are very well blessed. Marriage proposals too, and are possible to happen. You can also expect some good developments with your business partners.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Work, family, daily life, home and health are all getting their blessings today. All of these aspects of your life progress good. In most cases, they are positively stabilised or acquire a stable rate of improvement. In some cases major changes (like moving to a new home, changing your job, etc.) may happen, but they will also be good and less stressful than you would expect.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Very erotic, very social and very happy day for Leos. Most of you will feel like Lady Luck has embraced you and persistently refuses to let you go. Some, though, will just feel more lucky, happy and shining than usually. Well, I don’t think the worst case scenario is bad, so have fun!

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Your ruler is in your zodiac and in retrograde motion, and this is the only reason why you shouldn’t expect too much from this day. Expect much. Just not too much. Money is the key word of the day. You are spending some, probably on home and family related issues. In a happy way, though. But you can also gain some, or more, even unexpectedly.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

A very good day for you. It may be so just because you feel good and satisfied with yourself, but in most cases you’ll also have good things happening to support your good mood. A very good day to set in motion or further your dreams and plans. Anything you desire try to start pursuing it today, even through magic or symbolic acts. This will help you more than you expect in the long run.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Your dreams today find a way to come true, or they prove to you that you can manifest them. Money and work related dreams even more so. Trust your unclouded intuition today. You are very inspired as well, so take notes of your inspirations, or whatever it is appropriate in your case. If your income comes from any kind of art, this can be an extremely good day for you.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

A very dynamic day for Sagittarius. You are in good terms with yourself and your dreams, and you can also express them, confidently. People around you admire you and get inspired by you. Web based jobs progress good. A new promotional campaign may be more beneficial than you expected it to be. Social life is also very pleasant.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Your main focus is on career matters. Either you focus your mind on them and find ways to progress, or the progress happens and keeps your mind focused there. It is a good decision making day, and a very good day to work your magic for career matters. Intuition is strong regardless the subject.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

If your job has to do with foreign countries or people from there, this will be a very good day for you. In other cases such countries or people may play an important – positive – role in your day. Your international (and local) promotion through internet, or similar means, pays back well today too. Also, if you want to move or travel in an other country, this is a good day to either do it or schedule and organise it.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

A good day for work and career subjects. You can expect some improvements there. If your job is somehow connected to sex, death or magic this can be an even better day. Sexual encounters can also play a good role in the day and in your life as well, so, if you are “hunting” pick your “prey” wisely.

Astrology and Magic:

Success and wish fulfilling magic is favoured today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day.

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