7 Things ALL Witches Do

7 Things ALL Witches Do

Witches are carriers of the Old Ways. They are agents of Mother Earth, powerful beings who know that ‘reality’ is just partly true. Material World is full of difficulties and challenges which are brought to give us a lesson. Yet, what witches do is trying to see behind the everyday events. Witches wonder why does this happened today? Synchronicity and coincidences are taken very seriously. These are the Tools of Cosmos, which is trying to communicate with us. 

What Witches Do

Even since the dawn of Human Civilisation – whenever did this happen, witches are attracted by the Unseen, the hidden forces of this world. Although they usually have regular jobs and lead a normal life, they are always aware of what is co-happening. Stars, the Moon, the Waters and the Sun daily give them premonitions and feelings about their destiny. Thus, Witches may truly be part of the Material World yet always know how to transcend it’s limits. 

So let’s see what a Witch’s daily Routine may look like by unveiling to you things the Witches Do every day. 

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1. Feel and Move like Witches

Some may call this Vanity but it’s actually self-confidence. Knowing that you are Witch  gives you power. And this power is noticed by others. As we’ve already seen above, witches usually lead normal lives. They work – and work hard – they make families (this is why all these hereditary Witches are born) and in general live like all the others. In fact, many of the current or ancient leaders, politicians and famous people used to be witches!

It is not easy to tell who is a Witch because of the former (and unfortunately even present-day) Witch-huntings. However, a Witch always knows who s/he is. They realise their power even if they are occupied by mundane activities. Deep inside they still feel connected with the Spirits and always keep an eye on synchronicities and omens

2. They Never Ignore an Omen

Witches don’t actually believe in ‘random events’. They know that the World is built on patterns of cosmic Wisdom. Anything can be traced back to numbers and energy. Hence, they never ignore an Omen. 

However, they usually don’t get crazy trying to find out the meaning of it. They know how to keep calm and they try to decipher it. Omens is the Language of Spirits. This is how they try to communicate with us. 

3. Witches Always Write Down their Progress and Experiences

This is how the ‘Book of Shadows‘ started. Although many believe its an anthology of spells and incantations, the real ‘Books of Shadows’ are actually journals of solitary Witches of Covens. 

Some witches may have been born with some knowledge or awareness of Magic due to their past incarnations, yet all Witches are here to learn more. This is why ‘Books of Shadows’ exist. To keep track of what they’ve learned and what they did. It’s actually a way to check their progress. 

This World has a weird way of holding us down, making us forget our true nature. This is why Books of Shadows help us remember who we truly are and what we’ve succeeded so far. 

4. Witches Keep in touch with their Roots & Nature

Witches know that this is not their only life. They have awareness that Soul is immortal transcending planes of existence. Although many witches may not be able to recall their past lives in this or other worlds, they most certainly know that during Sabbats and powerful days, they can actually get a glimpse or magical feedback of their past incarnations and probably their powers. 

Another very important thing for Witches is Mother Nature. They usually take some time to enjoy the Sunlight or the Moon beams and the stars. Playing with animals or keeping some close to them. Witches do love to be accompanied by animals while nurturing and protecting them like their children. As Judika Illes said in The Big Book of Practical Spells: Everyday Magic That Works, “The bottom line is that magic is communication: communication between yourself, Earth and all the other life forms with whom we share our Earth Mother.

Subscribe in www.MagicalRecipesOnline.com for your daily Magical Feedback by the School of Witchcraft Get 'The Big Book of Practical Spells: Everyday Magic That Works' by Judika Illes here:
Subscribe in www.MagicalRecipesOnline.com for your daily Magical Feedback by the School of Witchcraft. Get ‘The Big Book of Practical Spells: Everyday Magic That Works’ by Judika Illes here

5. Dreams and Premonitions are taken seriously

Witches know that Dreams have powers. Energy doesn’t lie. This is why they keep track of their dream via a Dream Journal. Know that magic is sometimes presented via dreams. Spirits can also communicate via dreams and premonitions. This is why Witches know the power of their dreams and take them seriously. Witches listen to their guts.

6. Quality time is frequently needed

Witches may indeed lead normal lives but there is a time they know they have to withdraw from the madness and noise of the Material World. Although they are not irresponsible, they just need some time for themselves. Witches are wise and know that money is the way this World works. However, there should be some quality time for themselves and their Craft. 

Even if this is just a day off or some hours prior sleep, they need this isolation in order to attune with the Spirit World and their magic. Although, there are some witches who live like hermits, completely withdrawn from the Material World, most Witches just ask for a couple of Hours or in some cases a day (especially in Sabbats) in order to recharge their magic and cast their spells. 

7. Witches Know when to let go

They previous points were things about witches do regularly. This final one is about what witches don’t do. Witches know when it’s time to let go. They try not be attached with material belongings. Although they sometimes may even lose themselves, they attune back to the Source of Magic and become brave enough to let things go. 

Witches know that loss is part of the Material World. However, they also know that what is lost may again be found, in this or another life. Witches know that there is no such thing as a real end. Sometimes this relieving wisdom, brings them back on track. In other words, they know when it’s time to Let Go. 

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