Daily Predictions for Monday, 4 September 2017

Daily Predictions for Monday, 4 September 2017

Daily Predictions for Monday, 4 September 2017

General Daily Predictions: Today the Moon from Aquarius will form a hexagon with Saturn in Sagittarius and a triangle with Jupiter in Libra. This, as you can guess, means that the Moon highlights positively the hexagon between the two planets, so take a look on the hexagon’s analysis.

This is going to be a good day overall. Work on your goals and mostly on your life goals as much as possible both by magical and earthly means.

Aquarius, Libra and Sagittarius will be the luckiest zodiacs. Gemini will be also very lucky. Leo and Aries need some more attention, but still, this is will be a mostly good day.

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Daily Predictions for Aries:

International relationships, communications and trade are very well supported today. Mercury is still retrograde though, barely. Therefore, do not try new things right now, don’t sign any new agreements. You can wait for Wednesday. At least late Tuesday, as tomorrow, eventually, Mercury will turn in direct motion again.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Work, and career receive a boosting today. Even more so if it has to do with health, mental health, sex or magic. A romantic or sexual interest may appear, or awake, in your work environment. Astrologically there is nothing wrong with it (other than your love planet is in retrograde motion), but such relationships need some caution in most cases, so move carefully.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Your love life, or your children’s love life will play a big role in your day. If your love interest, your children or your children’s love interest is somewhere afar, this influence will be even stronger. But, it is a basically positive influence, so the developments will be positive. For the singles, it’s a good day to find somebody. They may not be from the same place you are, though.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Other than the issues of the heart, all other basic issues of your life receive a celestial blessing today. Sex related issues too. A very good day to start a treatment for health issues related to the sexual system or bones. Beautification magic is very strong.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

This is one more day for you to shine. Very social, but with people who are somewhat important to you. Very erotic day too. Both for those in a relationship and for those seeking one. If you have children of proper age, they may also give you some very good news about their love life.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Work, work related matters and money related ones take most of your time today. Mostly pleasantly though, and even if not so pleasantly, then certainly usefully. Good things happen or start happening. Your governor is still retrograde, but, just before starting moving forward again, brings back hopes you have abandoned.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

If you haven’t start acting upon your life goals, make sure you’ll do so today. This is a very good and lucky day. Things go mostly your way with very small, if any, effort on your behalf. Love life is also lucky, especially for those seeking a relationship, for those that are in a “new” relationship, and for those having a relationship with somebody considerably younger.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Home and family play an important role in your day. You may need to offer your attention there, but also family’s support, financial or otherwise, may come your way. Changes in the actual place of living so that your new, or renewed, home will support your life goals better are also possible. Neither spend more than you comfortably can, not be too stingy. Both tendencies are present. Find the balance between them.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

You are having an impact on people today. You are dynamic and shining and make an impression wherever you are and whatever you do. A good impression, that is. Express yourself. “Demand” from the Universe to obey your will. Today, more than usually, you have this power. Make the most of the day. Much to too much socialising is possible. There is no need to ovoid this. Enjoy it.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Money, careers and plans about those subjects are happening today. You can choose to do it, and organise your thought, and use them to further your goals, or you can let it happen. The latter will me probably more pleasant, but the former will change your life for the best. Do that. Your intuition on the subjects is very strong too.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

A very good and lucky day for most subjects. If your work has to do with foreign countries in anyway, or it’s an educational type of work, then even more so. If you are studying in a school or on your own, then some developments can happen there. Good developments, although they can be quite drastic ones. In most case you’ll be the one initiating these developments, but even if they happen without your effort, they will be good for you.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Magic is very strong today. So is divination. Work with both of them as much as possible, and especially for the sake of your career. If you are working on your dream job, then support the job you have. If not, then support your dream job. Sexual instinct is also very strong, so sexual magic and sex related jobs are very potent today.

Astrology and Magic:

Wish fulfilling magic is very strong today.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day.

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