Daily Predictions for Thursday, 12 October 2017

Daily Predictions for Thursday, 12 October 2017

Daily Predictions for Thursday, 12 October 2017

General Daily Predictions: Today Moon in Cancer will be rather busy. As inauspicious aspects, it will oppose Pluto in Capricorn. It will also square the Sun and Mercury in Libra. Of course, the square between the Sun and the Moon shows that this is the Third Quarter of the Lunar Month. Moon’s auspicious aspects will be a hexagon with Mars in Virgo and a triangle with Chiron in Pisces.

So, both Pluto’s activity and Chiron’s activity are underlined. Pluto receives both stressful focus, directly from the Moon, and beneficial focus indirectly, as the Moon blesses Mars, and in return, Mars blesses Pluto.

On the background, Saturn is still stressed. It also stresses Chiron, if you remember. Mercury strengths the Node’s activity too, today, in a beneficial manner. Moon does the same in a slightly inauspicious manner. So, all the karmic planets are strong, one way or an other. Expect karma to knock your doors.

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Virgo and Pisces will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Cancer receives great blessings, but also much stress. Sagittarius, Capricorn and Libra will be the most stressed zodiacs of the day.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Try to avoid any unnecessary conflicts with your partners, both life and business alike. They may be a little unable to understand you long term dreams and plans. Health is good. Your short term plans, especially whatever has to do with work, progress well.

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Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Socialising is still a strong aspect. Not all socialising is pleasant, but much of it is. Friends and siblings may occupy much of your time, pleasantly or not. Avoid discussing about your work. If you are having a test of any kind today, read the questions twice to make sure you’ve understood them. Love life, though, can be lucky and pleasant.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

This can become a somewhat chaotic day. Plans and schedules can seem meaningless. Love life can be stressful. Your kids’ love life can also become stressful for you. Family seems pleasant and peaceful, but if this is reality or pretence, needs discussion. Business can be pleasant. You may receive some help on this from somebody.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Your mood is good, and your self-confidence is strong. This is a good thing. There are some problems and stresses, but you can overcome them easier than you would expect. Co-workers are cooperative, friends and siblings are supportive. Family can be… challenging, more than stressful.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Your magic is strong. Money magic, even more so. Other than that, though, this day seems like it isn’t under your control. Things don’t go the way you want them to go. Communications and communication devices can be problematic. Do back up your important files, just to be sure.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Social, yet challenging day. Love life is peculiar. You’ll see both auspicious and inauspicious omens about it. If you are in a recent relationship, the stressful aspects will be stronger. Avoid spending money on internet or internet related subjects, if you can. This goes both for purchases and advertisements, or investments. If you have to do it today, search for all alternatives. You may find a better price elsewhere, for the same goods or services.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Work still progresses in a good way. Business plans, also progress well. Reminders of old health issues may come your way, but health receives beneficial aspects, so don’t panic. Family, on the other hand, can be very stressful.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Love life is good and lucky… mostly. Meeting exes is possible. This can resolve issues that still bother you or hold you back, but it can happen in a not so pleasant way. Socialise the most you can. Your social circle seems supportive, even in ways they don’t realise. But, whether you’ll be able to meet with the people you intend to, is an other story.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

You tend take all things very personal today. Both good and bad things. Focus on the positive and good things, so that your day will be mostly pleasant. The negatives seem more important, or at least more urgent. This can be an illusion though. Make sure to prioritise wisely.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

You don’t feel very confident for the day ahead. Or, you may feel unwilling to undertake the tasks you have in schedule for the day. But do so. Students, layers, writers and similar professions will have the less stressful day, regarding work. On the other hand, if there are legal issues about your company, this day can be rather stressful.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

This is a good day for work and money related issues. You may not feel it, as you are under stress. Probably more than you should. Try to relax and enjoy the day. Psychological health and well being can be less good than physical health. Avoid scheduling work related journeys today. Avoid having them today, as well, if you can.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Love remain the main focus. Mostly happily so. Rushing in bed with a new lover should be avoided, though. Internet and similar means for finding a new love, are not lucky today. Be careful, as they can seem lucky while they are not. Go out instead. You can radiate seductiveness today, even in ways you can’t comprehend.

Astrology and Magic:

There are too many energies fighting each other today, so I would suggest to avoid spell casting, if you don’t know exactly what you are doing. If you do, too many energies mean great magical potentials. And, yes, I know I keep saying love magic is and will remain strong until the 22nd of the month, but the same advice applies to it today, as well.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day.

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