Predictions: New Moon in Aries – April 15-16

Predictions: New Moon in Aries – April 15-16

Predictions: New Moon in Aries – April 15-16

General Predictions:

On April 16 2018, at 1:57 UT the Moon meets the Sun in Aries, forming the New Moon.

Just a few hours prior this, Mercury turns in direct motion, and this is the beginning of the change of the planetary senary. On April 17, Chiron enters Aries to remain there until 2026. It will return for a short, six-month long visit, later in year, though. Also on April 17, Saturn in Capricorn turns Retrograde and will remain so until the 5th of September. Then on the 20th of April the Sun enters Taurus. On the 22nd Pluto turns retrograde. Then, finally (for the waxing Moon, that is) Venus enters Gemini on the 24th.

Right now, Venus plays a significant role. It opposes the Retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio and it’s in triangle with Pluto in Capricorn. Both this aspects will be in effect until the 24th of the month. Of course, Jupiter and Pluto are in a hexagon. Venus’ hexagon with Neptune is still active but loses power by the day and will cease its activity on the 21st of the month, but then. On the other hand, since the day of the New Moon, and until a little after the Full Moon, Venus is in a hexagon with Chiron.

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Mars’ and Saturn’s conjunction, the main parameter of the previous lunar month, remains active until the 22nd, but it has lost most of its energy and power. This is both good and bad. The tension calms down a bit. Saturn will continue receiving stress from from Mercury until the 22nd, but this aspect is also not as strong as during the previous lunar month. Even more, from the 20th onwards, the Sun starts supporting Saturn. So, Saturn, other than being now in retrograde motion, is much calmer.

What does all these mean?

The general scenery calms down a bit, although not too much. The many slow moving retrograde planets show an under the surface tension. Also, Uranus getting ready to enter Taurus in the day of the next New Moon, is not the best omen, as we’ve seen in the annual horoscope.

We are entering a period of nourishment of our plans and of perfecting our methods. A time when we are reviewing our lives and plans. We correct the details. We are making better what we already are and have. Or at least, that’s what we should be doing. This is not the best period to move forward, though. We should be reluctant when it comes to new beginnings, expansions and things like those. If we want to advance, we need to empower our foundations, and then, proceed slowly and safely.

Love life loses some of its focus, but it doesn’t necessarily becomes unlucky or bad. On the contrary, healing there is very strong now, although, not necessarily in a pleasant way. Healing, some times, can mean ending unhealthy relationships.

Acupuncture, reiki, bioenergy, and all forms of energy healing become stronger and more effective. This is a good period to practice such methods, and better your skills there. It’s a good period for receiving such treatments, too. Those working as such kind of healers can have a better period workwise, too.

Dancing, theatre and the active arts in general also receive much support. Studies, as well as slow-yet-steady advancements in these fields can happen. In addition, for all artists, this is not the best period for creation. It’s a good period to get yourself and your work known to the world. It won’t be an easy task, but it can produce long lasting effects. Mind that, creating a bad name is just as much supported, so be careful.

Finally, other than Pluto empowering philtres, perfumes, potions and the like, all year long, there is no much focus in magic during this period. Energy methods may receive some, though. Not much, but some. Of course, as we’ve said, energy healing is strong. Of course, the coming Full Moon happening under Beltane’s power makes the second half of the waxing Moon period quite a strong magical period.

Predictions for Aries:

Mercury on your zodiac, now in direct motion, will be in a blissful hexagon with Venus in Gemini from the 24th onwards, until the end of the Lunar month, when Mercury and Uranus will exit your zodiac. Also, your governor, Mars, from Capricorn interacts with Uranus in your zodiac. This interaction is stressful, being it a square. But this will affect you only if you are trying to achieve significant changes in your life. If so, be prepared for some difficulties, but do your best now, as after the Full Moon and until Uranus exits your zodiac in the next New Moon, things will be even more difficult. In some cases, though, some changes may be forced upon you. Keep in mind that these changes will be more stressful than negative. So, stay calm and think how you can make the most out of those.

Money matters and career matters receive very positive vibes. Yes, there is some stress. Most of it about career matters than money matters. Nonetheless, good things are happening and things proceed towards the right direction. Works where communications or transportations are important part of them, will receive the most blessings. Similarly, jobs where learning and your mental abilities are important will also be productive and lucky.

Predictions for Taurus:

This waxing Moon, and half of the coming waning Moon, is a very important period for you. So, try to make the most out of it. Especially the period form the 20th to the 24th when both the Sun and your zodiac’s ruler will be in your zodiac. The whole year emphasises in love life, but this period a little less. Those in a relationship will have a mostly calm or healing period, depending on your relationship. For those seeking a new relationship, healing past experiences can help you raise your odds.

The need for freedom and freely expressing yourself remains strong, but now in a more harmonious ways. Luck and events can even help you do it, or encourage you to do it. Other than this bringing you some pleasure, it also produces a long lasting self-healing, so allow it to happen. Saturn turning retrograde can mean that you restrain yourself more. Don’t overdo that!

Also, your focus turns more on money matters and whatever makes you feel strong and secure. There may be some good luck there, too, but most of it is the result of your efforts, current and previous ones. Work hard, and the benefits will come. Good thing is, the Sun in your zodiac gives you enough energy and enthusiasm to do just that.

Predictions for Gemini:

This is quite an important New Moon and waxing Moon period for you. There was quite some time since there were any planetary focus on you zodiac, and now Venus, very active, enters it. So, expect things to change. Even more, expect them to change in a good way, too. Of course, not everything will be pleasant and easy-going, but, overall, this is going to be a good and successful period for you. Money and work receive some of the blessings of the period, but the focus of the energies is on whatever you consider important and a source of true happiness. So, keep your mind and your actions there.

Magical and spiritual powers are also very strong for you during this period. Energy forms of healing are strong for everyone, and even more for you. This affects learning, practising and receiving such healing. Those working in the field of such healing, those working with other spiritual and magical practises, as well as those who want to start working in such line of work will have a good period. Also, all artists, and even more those of the active arts, will have a good period. Both creativity, and making yourself known to the public are strong for you.

Predictions for Cancer:

Work and career seem to advance nicely during this period. This doesn’t necessarily mean without any problem, but if problems occur, you’ll be able to overcome them easily. Even more, these problems can guide you to an even better professional success. Business partners, if you have any, can have a more active role in your life. Once again, this will end up being beneficial, but it can become a hassle will it’s happening. If you are looking for a partner, or something alike, now you have a good period to find one.

Social life is strong, too. Although the odds are this will be a good and pleasant thing, overall, it can appear to be a stressful and unpleasant experience, in the same time. The better you’ve taken care of this part of your life until now, the better the experience and the situations will be during this period.

Also, internet socialisation, internet social media activity, as well as all forms of advertising also fall under the same influence. In most cases, though, these will be better and more successful. “Awakening” profiles and pages you have abandoned receives support. Building up new such profiles and pages, also receives support. Whether this is for personal or professional reasons, work on these now, and you’ll enjoy the benefits for some time, even if working on them now seems a very troublesome thing to do.

Predictions for Leo:

There is a great focus on career and work matters during this period, and now, for the most of it at least, things there seem to get in order and proceed in the right direction. Students and everyone working, or intend to start working, with their minds mostly, receive even more of the blessings of the period. Things won’t be all easy. Especially so after the 17th of the month, but you can make it. Your most important opponent is yourself. Giving up is the only way to fail. Keep in mind though that your vitality may not be in top condition this period, and this can also be part of the problem. Therefore, make sure you find time to rest and relax, and do take good care of yourself.

Your social life and your social status also become important during this period. These parts of your life seem to receive much more blessings than stress, so things will be pleasant, even if they get tiresome occasionally. Permanent changes in career, social life and social status, as well as in the way you live your life can happen. These, too, will be mostly good ones. You may even expect them. Nonetheless, they may find you unprepared and they may bring some stress while they are happening.

Predictions for Virgo:

This is quite a good New Moon and quite a good lunar month for you. Joy is still present and now it comes more naturally. This happens mostly because of your previous efforts to prepare the field for it. If you neglected doing that during the previous lunar month, then things won’t come as easily, though. Also, now that Mercury has turned back in direct motion, travelling can also bring you joy. The whole waxing Moon period is good for this, but the dates from the 20th to the 24th are the best. Love can also be affected positively by that. Finding a new love in your travels is possible. Visiting a lover living afar, or receiving a visit from them is, too, possible.

Work and business matters receive a boosting. It’s not a stress-free blessing, but it is a blessing, nonetheless. Jobs that deal with other countries or people from other countries, business having their base or headquarters in other countries, and business that cooperate with companies from other countries, receive the most powerful help. Nevertheless, all kinds of business will enjoy these blessings. Money can improve, but even more so, success is coming. And this should be your target. Success, after all, will bring money. Finally, studies follow a similar pattern.

Predictions for Libra:

Home and family receive much of the focus of this New Moon and the waxing Moon period. Healing and bettering your relationships with the family members, supporting them and receiving support from them, and creating a more satisfactory environment to live in, become important for you. And you do seem to make some progress there. It won’t be a stressless task, in most cases, but, if you don’t give up, the good results will be long lasting ones.

Love life receives less focus, but in the same time, things there can be much calmer and much more satisfactory. Sex remains one of your greatest allies when it comes to healing your relationship, and especially from the 20th to the 24th of the month. After then, things may not be as easy. In fact, for problematic relationships, after the 24th of the month a tendency to break free from the relationship may appear. Whether this will manifest as an actual break up or not is an other matter, though.

Money also receive some blessings. Things there are getting more and more in order. Problems are getting solved, even if little by little, and a greater, steadier, or in other ways more satisfactory income can be achieved.

Predictions for Scorpio:

You are one of the few zodiacs for whom the decline of focus on love life is not noticeable. So, love is still important for you, and now it’s probably more harmonious and more pleasant. Problematic relationships, though, can become even more problematic. Good relationships with problems, on the other hand, now have a good period to heal and overcome these problems. Although this procedure can be unpleasant at times, it’s well worth it.

Work may not be your main focus during this period. At least not in the ways you are used to work with. Meetings with your partners, if you have any, may be more common than usually, though. Planning is good, but make sure you don’t overdo it with planning at the cost of actual acting. Other than that, the social part of the work is what becomes important. Your relationship with co-workers, clients, etc. On this end, your schedule can become extremely busy, occasionally. Not everything will go on smoothly, but do your best. What you are achieving on that end now, will support you for long time. Finally, money from your work and similar sources seem to come more easily. This is a good thing. Just make sure you save some.

Predictions for Sagittarius:

Love life receives some beneficial energies during this period. Singles and those in a fresh relationship will be luckier until the 20th of the month. On the other hand, those in a steady relationship or a marriage will be luckier after the 24th of the month.

Work and money, though, receive the greatest focus of the period. Even more, it’s a beneficial focus. This doesn’t mean it’s a stress-free focus, though. It may, in fact, exhaust you from time to time, but the outcome is going to be a beneficial one. After the 20th of the month, when the Sun enters Taurus, things will be even better. Your vitality will be also good, but, in some cases, illusively so. So, pay attention and rest properly. The better shape you are in, the better you’ll deal with the challenges of the period and the more you’ll achieve.

Finally, sorting out financial problems and issues, as well as legal problems and issues is favoured by this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. It may need much energy, effort and some expenses to manage these, but, even if it doesn’t look like it, you’ll achieve the best possible results.

Predictions for Capricorn:

Saturn turning retrograde in your zodiac is not the best omen. Pluto following the example can make things even worse. So, taking care of yourself and your mood in every possible way is a must for this lunar month. The Sun from Taurus supporting Saturn, though, promises that not all is bad. In fact, if you manage to overcome your negative outlook and your tendency to abandon all effort, things are more likely to go your way. Even more, successes you achieve under such circumstances are going to last for long. So, support and promote yourself and your goals, despite the difficulties.

In most cases, though, the difficulties will be purely internal, or mostly so. The outer world, instead, seems to give you many reasons to feel happy and probably lucky, too. Family can become a little tiresome until the 20th, but other than that, things will be mostly good. This affects your love life, your personal life and your work. From the 20th to the 24th of the month you’ll probably have the best days of the period. Even the Moon stressing Saturn and Pluto the two of the days, won’t be enough to completely overcome the blessings of these days.

Predictions for Aquarius:

Friends, family and lovers play important role in your life during this waxing Moon period, and a beneficial one, that is. Especially for the singles and those in a fresh relationship, after the 24th of the month, love life gets better, and probably luckier. Also, family, although its role is mostly beneficial, can occasionally have a burdening, restricting, or discouraging effect in your psychology.

Actually, your mood, your psychology, and your thoughts and imagination are the most important parameters of the period, and the ones you should pay attention at. Your fears and insecurities, your self-restrictions and every negative feeling and thought you have for yourself and your life can become stronger during this period. Especially so when Pluto will be in retrograde motion. Nonetheless, these are resurfacing in order to get healed. So, face them and heal them. Emotional and psychological healing are also strong this period, and especially after the 20th of the month when the Sun will be blessing such procedures. Chiron entering Aries in square with the Retrograde Saturn will also promote the need for such healing, most likely by triggering the situations that will make these issues clearer to you.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Social activity and social presence become even more important during this waxing Moon period. Stress and difficulties are present, especially if you have a specific goal to achieve through your social engagements, but the odds of success are in your favour. In most cases, not giving up means success. Of course, this includes internet socialisation, as well. Family can also become a problem on this field as it seeks for your attention and time. Finding a balance is the best strategy, but the silver lining can be, occasionally, difficult to spot.

With Mercury now in direct motion, trade becomes much better. The retrograde Saturn affecting this aspect of your life can cause some difficulties, but after the 20th of the month, when the Sun will support Saturn, also from a place that affects trade, things will become significantly better. Other kind of business will also receive some help. Working on your web-pages and social media pages and professional profiles is highly recommended. It may need much work and it may seem a little meaningless from time to time. Nevertheless, doing that will support you, not only during this lunar month, but for long time after that, as well.

Astrology and Magic:

Energy magic and energy healing are strong. Philtres, potions and perfumes remain strong.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this waxing Moon!

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