10 Types of Pain indicating emotional problems

10 Types of Pain indicating emotional problems

Body, Mind and Soul are three levels of the human existence that are strongly intertwined. It is therefore no surprise that every emotional or mental burden is manifested directly on the body. This is a fact that the mainstream medicine does not deny and also investigates. However, there are often medical cases that the medicine cannot sufficiently explain some symptoms such as certain inflammations, migraines, back pain, chronic fatigue syndrome and sexual dysfunctions.

Medically unexplained physical symptoms are obscure. Yet, they reveal that a person is sensitive to stress, environmental factors and of course emotions such as intense sadness and disappointment.

Of course, a visit to doctor in always necessary, in order to avoid any severe disease from the very beginning. But if several doctors assure you that your symptoms cannot be explained you’d rather think about your whole life and how your emotional state may play a role.

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What the pain reveals

Although our whole body is wired with our Mind and Soul, diverse emotional problems may cause different pain reactions. Here are some of them:

1. Headaches and Migraines

A busy mind a sea of troubled thoughts will make your head suffer. Try to clean and sort out your thoughts through our Healing Meditation technique. Also, do not get anxious and bothered about everything on your schedule. Just bear in mind that being stressed also deteriorates your ability to deal with what you have to do. It is not easy to tame the flow of thoughts but you should give it a try.

2. Neck Pain

This is about stubbornness and forgiveness. Bearing a grudge against a person that hurt you once will not make things better. Practice forgiveness and either focus on the good sides of a person or remove them from your life if you think that your relationship to them is toxic. And don’t forget your own mistakes as well.

3. Shoulder Pain

You may have undertaken too many responsibilities of others that you cannot cope with. Set your limits, don’t let anyone expecting everything from you.

10 Types of Pain indicating emotional problems

4. Upper back pain

This is caused by a feeling of solitude and rejection. You want to love and get loved but there is something that blocks your communication with the others and that makes you introvert and sometimes aggressive. Try to open your heart and establish sincere and kind relationships. Just think about where your heart lies!

5. Lower Back Pain

Money problems or job anxiety may cause pains in this area of the body. This can be a sign that you have to change and improve your job life. Seek for a better vacancy or ask for a salary increment or a promotion. When it comes to spending, make a plan and don’t waste money for nothing. But, first and foremost, do not let a financial crisis put you down because you will only make things worst!

6. Elbow and Knee pain

These parts are associated with an unwillingness to change our lives. Elbow pain shows stiffness and lack of versatility, while knee pain reveals a big ego. In both cases, learn to compromise and become versatile. Adaption to new conditions is a sign of intelligence. It is a pity to stay behind while others evolve themselves.

7. Hand pain

This kind of pain means that you have to socialize more. Get out, find new friends, be more talkative, come in touch (metaphorically but also literally) with people. Being alone will just make you sadder.

8. Eyes pain

This is an indication that you may reject reality. You can deal with daily problems, so you turn the world down altogether. Yet, if you do so, there is a danger for you to sink into an introvert fallacy. Being spiritual does not mean inability to communicate with the exterior world. On the contrary, this is where we get inspiration and we apply our philosophy.

9. Pelvic pain

Pelvic pain is linked with sexuality and guilt. You may be too anxious about your love life or your partnership or you may regret for things of the past. You may also have been deprived of an affective sexual life. Acceptance of this kind of condition is crucial in order to soothe the symptoms. The importance of acceptance has been lucidly discussed in the book of Dr. David Wise Paradoxical Relaxation : The Theory and Practice of Dissolving Anxiety by Accepting It.

Paradoxical Relaxation : The Theory and Practice of Dissolving Anxiety by Accepting It, by National Center for Pelvic Pain
Paradoxical Relaxation : The Theory and Practice of Dissolving Anxiety by Accepting It, by National Center for Pelvic Pain

10. Throat pain

If there is no reasonable explanation for a pain in the throat, like a cold or an allergy, the reason may hide behind a feeling of bitterness and disenchantment. Try to be more cheerful and grateful. Living along with gloomy emotions is something that could ruin your whole life.

We underscore once again that all these symptoms can be attributed to emotional reasons but you have to consider them AFTER you have already visited a medical doctor. Sometimes the causes are both psysical and emotional and medical support is indispensable. The good news then is that you can heal yourself by having faith that things can get better in most aspects!


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