Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Gemini – 30 November 2020

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

General Predictions for the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Gemini:

On November the 30th, at 09:29 UT the Moon, from Gemini, accurately opposes the Sun, in Sagittarius, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also a Partial Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. Only the 82% of the Full Moon will be covered by Earth’s penumbra, so great observation skills will be needed for someone to actually see the phenomenon, but all of us will feel its influence. On the bright side, this Lunar Eclipse doesn’t strongly stress any other planet.

Incidently, this is the fourth and last Lunar Eclipse of 2020, which only hosted Penumbral Lunar Eclipses, all of them partial ones, too.

Just a day before the Lunar Eclipse Neptune turned back into direct motion, after more than five months being retrograde, leaving only Uranus and Chiron in retrograde motion. So, now, the retrograde activity is weak, and, therefore, things can move forward faster. Because of the Ecliptic Period, even faster than we can easily handle. Chiron, by the way, is slowing down, as it’s going to turn back to direct motion a day after the coming New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse.

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Also, during this waning Moon period, Mercury changes its zodiac on the first of December, entering Sagittarius, while no other planet changes its position. So, the planetary scenery isn’t changing much, but it’s getting ready for a dramatic change during the coming waxing Moon period, when 5 major planets will be changing their zodiac position. Not counting the Moon, which moves fast, this will be 55% of the planets. And, coincidently or not, all of them will be changing their position before the moment of the Solstice.

So, right now, things are moving faster, but, even more importantly, an even greater change is getting ready to happen, at the “backstage”.

Mars’ square with Jupiter:

As we’ve seen before, and will keep on seeing until early 2021, Mars forms some stressful 6-months long aspects. Those aspects were practically inactive during the previous period. One of them, the most difficult one, was actually inactive. But this changes now.

Mars’ square with Jupiter was accurate on the 19th of October. Thanks to Mars not having reached its full speed, yet, and Jupiter’s super speed, this square is still barely active, and it will remain so the whole waning Moon period. It regains a tiny bit of its strength until the New Moon, but afterwards, it will start becoming significantly stronger day by day. The square will remain active until the 24th of February 2021, when Mars will be in Taurus and Jupiter in Aquarius, and it will become accurate for the last time on the 23rd of January.

During this period, being too optimistic is not, in fact, positive thinking, but a way to hindrance our progress. Worrying too much is also easy to happen and it is just as ill-advisable as being too optimistic is. The same is true for being impatient.

Furthermore, financial risks should be avoided. Scams and fake opportunities promising to get you rich fast are possible to appear and should also be avoided. Any kind of investment should be considered extra carefully.

Mars’ square with Pluto:

Similarly, Mars is forming a square with Pluto. This square became accurate for the second time on the 9th of October. Contrary to Jupiter, Pluto is not in a hurry, so, this square has regained some of its strength. By the end of this waning Moon period it will already have become very strong, as it’s getting ready to become precise for the last time on the 23rd of December.

This square started acting on the 23rd of July and it will remain active until the 16th of January 2021, without a break. This is a difficult to handle aspect and needs much care and attention. During this long period every kind of change we intend to do must be done slowly and after thinking of it thoroughly. Even then, disappointments might take place. Hurrying things up and pressing situations can guarantee failure, unless Mars in your Natal Chart is very auspiciously active, or Mars makes very good aspects with your Natal planets. Even then, though, being too hasty, or too forceful can backfire.

This aspect can also produce intense negative feelings and mindset. Especially for a week before and after the dates when the aspect becomes accurate, or when Mars receives additional stress. Mars, unfortunately receives much of it, and long-term one, too, throughout the whole period. Furthermore, Pluto can cause emotional issues to act up even when it is overly active beneficially. Even worse so when it is stressfully active. During the whole 6 month long period, Pluto will always be super active, too. So, take good care of your emotional condition and your mood. If you are dealing with psychological issues, or you have such a history, be even more watchful.

Mars’ square with Saturn:

Finally, Mars forms a square with Saturn. This square has been active since the 31st of July and it paused its activity on the 2nd of November. It will start acting again on the 10th of December and until the 7th of February 2021, and it will become accurate for the third time on the 13th of January. Therefore, during this waning Moon period, this square won’t be affecting us much, but, contrary to the previous period it will be affecting us a little, during the last few days of the this waning Moon.

During the whole period of this square’s activity, physical health needs great attention. If you are working out keep your routine as is. Make only minor changes and reluctantly so. Relaxing it permanently is okay, though. In the same time, if you don’t exercise, then adding some light – very light – form of exercise in your daily routine is advisable. Make sure it is light and easy for you, not whatever might be commonly considered as light and easy. Aerobic kind of exercise is more advisable than body building and the like.

Making significant changes in your diet is not advisable, but taking some extra calcium and vitamin C are good general advices. Of course, consult your doctor before taking any health care supplements, and don’t overdo it. Although this square affects every aspect of health, the musculoskeletal system, the digestive one and the circulatory system are the most sensitive. High blood pressure, feverish conditions and other fiery conditions also need some extra attention and better care. Accidents can also happen. When engaging with dangerous activities, be extra careful. The same is advisable for when engaging with fire, or metal. Drive extra carefully, too.

Similarly to Pluto’s square, disappointments are possible and forcing things to move on is not the right policy.

The rest inauspicious influences of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse:

Venus, which caused us much trouble during the previous month, now is becoming more friendly and it will start forming some quite auspicious aspects. It still opposes Uranus, though, but this opposition has just started losing its strength, and it will stop affecting us on the 6th of December. Under the influences of this opposition careers related to health, beauty and the arts can face more challenges. Furthermore, online dating needs some extra attention.

The Sun squares Neptune, from the day of this Lunar Eclipse and until the 19th of December. Accurately so on the 9th of December. On top of that, Mercury, too, squares Neptune, from the 7th of December and until the 19th. This square will become accurate on the 13th. Those two squares will stress even more our emotional condition. They can also produce some misunderstandings, unwise choices and decisions, some extra problems regarding travelling, some difficulties and delays for trade and, especially, the international one.

The auspicious influences of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse:

Neptune’s year long hexagon with Jupiter isn’t any strong, any more, but it still supports us a bit, and it will continue doing so until the 11th of December. Also, Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Saturn, unfortunately, stopped affecting us just before this Full Moon, on the 28th of November. But, Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is still quite strong and it will remain so until the end of the year. Although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026, when both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, these hexagons, along with the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, give great power to magic and help us heal our souls, and our relationships. They also support physical healing. Since now Pluto and Neptune are the only protagonists, charms, potions, magical perfumes and oils as well as all kind of water magic receive more help than the rest kinds. Nonetheless, the triple conjunction on its own boosts magic very much so.

Venus forms a triangle with Neptune. Accurately so on the 6th of December. This triangle is active since the eve of this Full Moon and it will remain so until the day of the coming Solar Eclipse. This triangle supports matters of the hear, including our romantic relationships, but not only those. Friendships and other relationships, too, can be benefited. Under it’s influences coming closer to people we love is possible, as long as we overcome the challenges of the Eclipse. Some good luck for those seeking a new relationship can also manifest.

Venus is also forming some hexagons with Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn. With Pluto from the 2nd of December and until the 18th. Accurately so on the 10th. With Jupiter from the 5th and until the 23rd. Accurately so on the 14th, the day of the Solar Eclipse. Finally, with Saturn, from the 6th and until the 24th and accurately on the 15th of December.

These hexagons will also support our relationships, romantic ones and of any other kind. They will also support health and healing. Nonetheless, some extra care and attention there, is needed. Especially so because of the energies of the Eclipses. Arts and careers related to them, cosmetics and all careers related to beauty, as well as pharmaceutics receive some extra support. Long distance romantic relationships, relationships with foreigners and relationships with a significant age difference receive more support than the rest, too.

Furthermore, the Sun forms a triangle with Mars. As now Mars’ squares are back in action, this is an important blessing, as it relives some of the stress those squares produce. It also promises us some good developments , if we overcome the squares’ challenges. The triangle will be accurate on the 11th of December and active since the 29th of November and until the 24th of December.

Also, the Sun conjuncts Mercury. Accurately so on the 20th of December. The aspect will be active, though, from the 3rd of December and until the 5th of January, 2021. During this fortnight both planets will be in Sagittarius, but this will change during the coming waning Moon, and so will the blessings it provides. Overall, though, this aspect brings some help in finances. It also helps all jobs that depend on communications and transportations. Trade, too, of course. Nonetheless, Mercury is stressed, and the coming Solar Eclipse will stress it even more. Therefore, not everything will be easy, but successes and progress are feasible.

Furthermore, Mercury’s hexagons with the planets of the triple conjunction are still active. The one with Pluto, barely, and it will stop affecting us on the 3rd of December. The one with Jupiter was accurate on the 29th of November and it will stop affecting us on the 6th of December. Finally, Mercury’s hexagon with Saturn is accurate on the day of this Lunar Eclipse and it will stop affecting us on the 7th of December.

Amongst else, these three hexagons give some extra power to the triple conjunction. Magic and spirituality, which are strong anyway, receive a significant boosting, too. Also, trade, communications, transportations and whatever depends on those receive support. Now that Mercury’s and Uranus’ opposition isn’t active, any longer, online businesses and other internet activity are also benefited. Still, exercise caution and extra wisdom when it comes to significant purchases and, especially, of high-tech equipment, since we are in an Ecliptic period, anyway.

Finally, with Jupiter in between Pluto and Saturn, the triple conjunction of these planets, that has been affecting us during the whole year, is still very strong and it will remain so until the 5th of December. Then, slowly, it will start losing power and it will practically stop blessing us on the 10th of January, 2021. Nonetheless, from then on, Jupiter’s and Saturn’s conjunction will be extremely strong, as it is getting ready to become precise on the day of the Solstice. Amongst else, the triple conjunction strengthens even more magic, spirituality, and healing. Wish manifestation, charms, talismans and magical oils and perfumes, as well as meditative techniques receive even greater support.

Overviewing the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Gemini:

Overall, this is a relatively gentle Lunar Eclipse. The auspicious aspects are more than the inauspicious ones and the retrograde activity is mostly unnoticeable. Nonetheless, an Eclipse always raises tension, and the waning fortnight will be in the middle of an Ecliptic period. Therefore, proceed cautiously, but proceed. Keeping an open mind, and a flexible schedule can also be of help.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Aries:

As we’ve said this is a relatively gentle Lunar Eclipse and that’s even more true for you, as it mostly affect you indirectly. Vehicles and communicational equipment might cause you some troubles and they might need some repairs, or replacement. If there isn’t a need, though, don’t replace them now. Your communications, too, need some more attention and a clearer mind. Driving more carefully, too, is recommended. Parents, siblings and people who play similar role in your lives can face some problems and this might add to your stress. Also, studies can face challenges, and, in some cases, changes of course, schools, or teachers might happen, willingly, or not.

Finances, too, receive some stress, and some moderation and extra caution in handling them is advisable. Especially so until the 6th of December. Work, career and businesses matter, might also face some unexpected challenges, but things there, overall, proceed well and successfully. Finally, magic and spirituality are quite strong during this period and, for you, even more so.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Taurus:

Finances receive some stress from this Lunar Eclipse and this waning Moon period. Problems, miscalculations and mistakes there can become apparent and some changes in your policies might become necessary. Spending less and more wisely is also advisable. As, overall, the planetary scenery is supportive, those changes and “sacrifices” might not be pleasant, but they will benefit you in the long term. Studies, spiritual studies and spirituality, in general can also be challenging and troublesome. Spirituality, though, is extra strong for you, so breakthroughs, there, are possible, regardless. In some cases, they might come when you are not yet ready for them, though. Magic, too, seems extra strong for you.

Siblings, relatives of similar age, and good friends can face some stress, which might disturb your balance, too. In most cases, though this doesn’t directly affect your life, but only your mood. Health needs some extra attention and resting more is advisable. This Lunar Eclipse, though, in most cases, warns you about health issues and sensitivities, rather than cause you new problems. Pay attention to the warnings, for a more challenging Solar Eclipse is coming. Social and love life, on the other hand, might not be stress-free, but they are mostly pleasant.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Gemini:

This Lunar Eclipse is relatively gentle, but you might not experience it this way, since it’s happening in your zodiac sign. So, as a general advice, resting well, relaxing as much as possible, keeping a healthy diet and supporting your mood will be helpful. This will be true for the coming Solar Eclipse and all-but-one eclipses of 2021. Prioritise wisely and don’t take up too much, so that you’ll neither feel the time is hunting you, nor get overtired. Health is sensitive, but not bad. If you’ve been careful so far, and you are extra careful during this Ecliptic period, things will be okay. Nonetheless, problems you’ve neglected, or haven’t taken proper care of might reoccur, or become more intense. In any case, if any health issue occurs, seek the advise of your doctor.

Finances, too, receive some stress and some moderation regarding expenses and some reluctance regarding investments are advisable. Income, though, won’t be affected, or it will be affected only slightly. Furthermore, work can be over-demanding, but it proceeds mostly nicely and successfully.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Cancer:

The ruler of your zodiac is always stressed by an Eclipse, and therefore all Eclipses affect you strongly. This Lunar Eclipse, though, is a relatively gentle one, so, with some caution and wisdom it can be like a breeze for you, in comparison with the previous ones. The Eclipse will force you to redefine and re-establish your inner balance, the way you present yourself in your world and your place in your world.

This might mean a change on your looks, a change of home, or a redecoration, there, a change in your work environment, or a change of jobs, a change of your social circle, etc. All those might cause you some stress while they are realised and happening, but the end result will be a beneficial one. The procedure of achieving these changes is ignited by the Lunar Eclipse but it will, most probably, take a few months to be completed.

Friends and your other half can also cause you some stress. In most cases because of problems they are facing and not because of problems in your relationship with them. On the bright side, for those seeking a new job, or a new relationship, some good luck is supporting your efforts. Things that have been delayed, or have been facing obstacles for some months now, might rush to happen.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Leo:

Computers, smartphones and the like might malfunction, or might need repairs or replacement. Backing up your important files and updating your antivirus and firewall is a good advice, too. Jobs that depend on those can be more challenging, too. Some stress and tension with colleagues, partners and other people and organisations related to your work can also occur. Overall, though, work is more likely to proceed well and successfully, despite the challenges. Therefore, avoid overreacting. Friends and acquaintances can also cause you some stress. In most cases, though, because of problems and challenges they are facing and not because of problems in your relationship with them.

Spiritual life plays an important role in your life under the influences of this Lunar Eclipse and this waning Moon period. Try not to challenge the spiritual and karmic laws and avoid, more than ever, any risky practices. A redefinition of your understanding of the spiritual world can also happen. Some disturbance in family and especially regarding parents and older relatives can also occur.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Virgo:

Health receives some stress from this Lunar Eclipse and this waning Moon period. As most of the planetary energies support it rather than stress it, though, if you exercise some more attention and provide it with a better care, it’s unlikely to cause you serious troubles. That being said, driving extra carefully is recommended. Work, career and businesses matters also receive some stress, and changes there can happen. In some cases unexpectedly so, too. Some extra tension with colleagues, partners and bosses is also possible. All these are more likely to simply make things more difficult, rather than stop your progress, though.

Friends can also cause you some stress, either because of problems in their lives, or because of problems in your friendship. If the former is the case, be supportive and patient. Computers, smartphones and the like can also face some problems and repairs, or replacement might become necessary. Backing up your important files and updating firewall and antivirus are good precautions. Jobs depending on such means can also face some extra difficulties.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Libra:

Overall the planetary scenery is quite supportive, for you, and the Lunar Eclipse is a relatively gentle one, so things will be easier for you than for most. Finances receive some extra stress and need some extra attention, but this calms down a bit after the 6th of December. The coming Solar Eclipse will affect them, too, a bit, so don’t get too relaxed. If you are studying, then you might feel the financial stress a bit more clearly. Furthermore, some disturbances might occur in your schools, or teachers. All these affect spiritual studies, too. Your own spirituality also receives some stress. Realisations and outbreaks might happen, and not all of them will be pleasant. It’s good this is happening, though. Facing our mistakes might be unpleasant, but it’s a necessary step in order to move forward.

Other than those, most of the stress this Lunar Eclipse will bring you is indirect. It is caused by problems and challenges in the live of siblings, friends and your other half. An urge to help them might press you, but don’t follow it too blindly.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Scorpio:

Health receives stress both from the Lunar Eclipse and the planetary scenery. Therefore, it’s wise to give it your full care and support. The same is true for your emotional health, as well. For both, things are not always as serious as they look, but, nonetheless, seek the advice of your doctor if anything occurs. Furthermore, try to relax as much as possible and avoid anything that might be dangerous or even stressful, if you can. Instead, do things that make you feel more you and that you enjoy doing. Play with your kids, express your talents… whatever suits you best. Indulging in sex is not really the best choice under the influences of this Lunar Eclipse, though. In fact, some extra attention in your sex life is highly advisable.

Travelling, studies and spiritual life also receive some stress. Avoid travelling, if possible. Other than those, your friends in particular and your social circle in general can worry you. In most cases, though, because of problems those people are facing, rather than because of problems in your relationship with them.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Sagittarius:

Health receives a little stress from this Lunar Eclipse and this waning Moon period. In most cases, though, resting enough and relaxing as much as possible, as well as supporting your mood will be all you need to do for it. Love life, too, receives some stress. Those in a relationship, or a marriage will experience these influences more so than those seeking a new relationship. In fact, the latter might even have a lucky encounter, or two. If that’s your case, proceed carefully. It can be a good opportunity, but it can also be quite the opposite, and, right now, you might not be able to distinguish the two. Business partnerships, too, can face some challenges.

Home and family as well as the extended family can worry you, too, mostly because of challenges they are facing. Otherwise, though, family is more likely to play a pleasant and, possibly, supportive role in your life this fortnight.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Capricorn:

Love life receives some stress from this Lunar Eclipse and this waning Moon period. Especially so until the 6th of December. Problems in your current relationship might get more intense. That’s true even for problems you thought you had overcome. Relationships with good foundation will overcome these challenges, but not so strong relationships might be in danger. Finding a new relationship can also be challenging. If you do find one, be extra wise. It might be a once in a lifetime opportunity you wouldn’t want to miss, or the exact opposite. A relationship you surely want to avoid.

Health, too, receives some stress, but it’s mostly good and strong, so, resting well, keeping a healthy diet and relaxing your schedule are more likely to be enough precautions. Needless to say, if you do face any problems, seek the advice of your doctor. Work, too, receives some stress and changes there can happen. If you employ others you might get forced to change some of your personnel. Despite the Eclipse, though, your self confidence is on good form most of the time, and this can help you overcome most, if not all, the challenges.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Aquarius:

The Lunar Eclipse, in Gemini, stress your health, a little, so keeping a relaxed and flexible schedule, resting enough and not taking on more than you can easily do are some good policies. Your children and other significantly younger relatives might worry you, too. They might be facing some challenges, which might stress you, too, or they might be trying to (re)define their personality, which might throw your relationship with them a bit out of balance, but this is a good thing, overall. Friends can also go through similar situations. The same is true for parents and older relatives.

Finances also receive some stress from the Lunar Eclipse, but the planetary scenery is more supportive than stressful regarding money and money matters, so, with some extra caution and wisdom, things there won’t get bad. In fact, they might even get better. Don’t get too relaxed, though, as the coming Solar Eclipse will also stress your finances.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Pisces:

This Lunar Eclipse is more likely to affect you strongly. It also stresses strongly your home, family and environment. Therefore, be open minded, stay calm, relax a lot, relax your schedule as much as possible and rest well. Those might not be enough to overcome all the challenges of the Eclipse but they’ll surely help. The coming Solar Eclipse will affect you even more strongly, so, if possible, make sure the whole December is as easy going as possible. In the same time, though, your inner strength and self-motivation are getting stronger, and this surely will help you fight back, and achieve at least some progress on whatever you are focusing your energies. More than just some is also feasible.

Your own health and emotional balance are stressed by this Eclipse, too, and there is a tendency to give more gravity to negative thoughts and events, Alter your mindset to release your productivity and to attract good vibes. Redefining yourself is possible to be “encouraged” by the Eclipse. Although this will be a long-term procedure anyway, pay some extra attention to those ideas, and act on them as much as you can. If you turn the blind eye, the coming Solar Eclipse is more likely to remind them to you quite rudely.

Astrology and Magic:

All magical and spiritual practices remain extra strong during this period, despite the Lunar Eclipse and the coming Solar one.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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