Full Moon in Aquarius – 24 July 2021

Full Moon in Aquarius

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Aquarius:

On July the 24th, at 02:37 UT, the Moon, from Aquarius, accurately opposes the Sun, in Leo, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also called Buck Moon. Because of the time the accurate opposition is happening, America will see the Full Moon on the 23rd.

The Sun has just entered Leo, and Venus has just entered Virgo. Furthermore, during this waning Moon period, Mercury enters Leo, on the 28th, the Retrograde Jupiter returns in Aquarius, on the same day, and Mars enters Virgo on the 29th. Therefore, the planetary scenery is changing a lot. Furthermore, Uranus, the only Direct planet amongst the slow moving ones, is slowing down noticeably, as it’s going to turn Retrograde during the coming waxing Moon period.

Mars entering Virgo signifies the beginning of a long beneficial period for Virgo, but also for the rest of the zodiacs, too. From the 29th of July and until the 15th of September, when Mars will exit the zodiac, at least two planets will be in Virgo. During some periods, three. These are, from the 11th of August and until the 16th of August, and then, from the Full Moon of the 22nd of August and until the 30th of the month.

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Furthermore, during the whole stay of Mars in Virgo, multiple Grand Triangles of the Earth will be formed between the planets in Virgo, Uranus, in Taurus, and Pluto, in Capricorn. These Grand Triangles will benefit the zodiacs of the Earth more so than the rest, but they’ll bless every other zodiac, too. Things won’t be perfect, but make sure you make the best out of this very helpful period.

The inauspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Saturn squares Uranus. This is a years-long lasting square, and we’ll only comment on it when it’s very strong. From the beginning of January and until the end of July it will be so. During the period of this square we will feel we are lacking freedom. The square became accurate for the second time, on the 14th of June, so it still is very strong. Informatively, the third time this square will become accurate will be on the 24th of December, when Saturn will be Direct and Uranus will be Retrograde.

Venus opposes Jupiter. The opposition became accurate on the 22nd of July, right after Venus entered Virgo, and it will remain active until the 30th of July, when Jupiter will have returned to Aquarius. This opposition can stress love life. Problems in existing relationships can get magnified. This can endanger problematic relationships, but it can also help good ones to become better, by solving these problems. Although this isn’t a pleasant aspect, it’s much kinder than an Eclipse, and it also promises a possibility for further progress. So make wise use of its influences.

The Sun opposes Pluto since the 7th of July and until the 28th of the month. This aspect became accurate on the 17th. Amongst else, this opposition can hindrance our emotional and mental balance. Active psychological issues can act up, while dormant ones might get active again. Consciously and constantly supporting ourselves can help a lot and it can ease other aspects of our lives, too.

Mercury, too, opposes Pluto. Accurately so on the 25th. This aspect got activated on the 21st and it will remain active until the 30th. Although magic will be quite strong, during that period it might not be as much, and it will certainly make spirit summoning and the like more challenging. Also, changes in medications should be done only under your doctor’s advice (and maybe seek for a second opinion, too, wherever it might be needed).

Mars opposes Jupiter. Accurately so on the 29th of July, when Mars will still barely be in Leo and Jupiter will have just entered Aquarius. The aspect, though, started affecting us on the 16th of the month, when Mars was in Leo and Jupiter in Pisces. It will, finally cease activity on the 10th of August, when Mars will be in Virgo and Jupiter in Aquarius. Travelling abroad, international trade and international relationships can all become less harmonious and more stressed during the period of this aspect’s influences.

The Sun opposes Saturn. Accurately so on the 2nd of August. This opposition started affecting us on the 23rd of July and it will remain active until the 11th of August. During the period of this aspect’s activity obligations might become more time and energy consuming. It’s also not wise to depend on good luck for work and such matters. Important, long term projects that start during this period can be more challenging than they need to, too.

Mercury, too, opposes Saturn. Accurately so on the 1st of August. This opposition will start affecting us on the 29th of July and it will stop doing so on the 6th of August. This can bring some difficulties and extra challenges to trade and social life. As the Sun and Mercury will be in a conjunction during the time things are more likely to proceed, just not to easily. Also, meditative techniques can be less difficult to practice, but if you manage to do so so properly, results will be good.

Also, Mercury squares Uranus. Accurately so on the 4th of August. The square will be active from the 30th, maybe 31st, of July and until the 9th of August. Online trade might face some extra difficulties. Not too many as Venus helps there. The same is true for online social activity. Computers, smartphones and high-tech equipment might inconvenience you, somehow during this period, while purchasing new such equipment is not advisable, unless you really need them “right now”.

The Sun, too, squares Uranus. Accurately so on the 6th of August. This square will be active from the 7th of July and until the 17th of August. This too calls for some extra caution when purchasing high-tech equipment. Also, adds some stress to online trade. Thankfully, though, the Sun is in a conjunction with Mercury.

Venus opposes Neptune. Accurately so on the 10th of August. This aspect will be active from the 2nd of August and until the 18th of August. During the last two days, Venus will be in Libra. This opposition can bring some emotional imbalance. This can also affect our friendships, romantic relationships and all kinds of relationships, so some extra caution is advisable.

Mercury opposes Jupiter. Accurately so on the 11th of August. The aspect will be active from the eve of the New Moon, the 7th of August and until the 16th of August. By then Mercury will be in Virgo. This aspect will add some stress to trade, but it will hardly affect this waning Moon period. We’ll feel its influences mostly during the first days of the coming waxing Moon period.

The auspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is still very strong. As we’ve said, this blessing will remain – at least – quite strong until the end of the year. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant. Since the beginning of May, when this hexagon has become much stronger, and until the end of July, some greater progress is to be expected.

Also, the Sun is still in a triangle with Neptune. This aspect became accurate on 15th of July, and was activated on the 5th of the month. It will remain active until the 27th of July, so it’s won’t be affecting for most of the fortnight. Travelling during this period receives some auspicious energies, whether the purpose of the trip is a personal, or a professional one. Also healing receives some support. Emotional healing more so than physical healing. Magic, too, receives a boosting.

Venus is is in a conjunction with Mars. This was accurate on the 13th of July. The aspect is active since the 28th of June and it will remain so until the 30th of July. This is a very auspicious and supportive aspect for love life and it can help things advance in a nice way, regardless the much stress love receives. The aspect happening in the Fiery Leo makes it even more promising. Of course, now Venus has just entered Virgo and when it ceases its activity Mars will have just entered it, too. Therefore, for most zodiacs this blessing now is calmer. Virgo and the zodiacs of the Earth, though, might experience it more clearly

Mercury forms a triangle with Neptune. The triangle is active since the 20th of July and it will remain active until the 29th of the month. It becomes accurate on the day of this Full Moon, the 24th of the month. This also gives a boosting on magic. Healing, too, gets stronger. Also, it can help as solve problems and misunderstandings in our relationships of any nature.

Mercury conjuncts the Sun. Accurately so on the 1st of August, while both planets are in Leo. The conjunction will start affecting us on the day of this Full Moon, the 24th of July, while the Sun is in Leo and Mercury is still in Cancer. The aspect will cease its activity on the 11th of August, the day Mercury is entering Virgo.

This conjunction can bring some support and good luck (not the gambling kind of it, for most) on work and financial matters. Trade receives much help, too. Also, this is a helpful period for expanding your social circle, as well as for coming closer to existing friends, and having fun with them. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will enjoy these influences more clearly. Around the peak of the aspect, though, both planets oppose Saturn, so the overall effects of the conjunction won’t be as strong as normal.

Venus forms a triangle with Uranus. Accurately so on the 3rd of August. The aspect will be active from the 26th of July and until the 11th of August. Online internet activity receives some help during this period. Especially for love, learning and for selling, or promoting art and products and services of health and beauty. Online trade won’t be unchallenged, as at the very same period Mercury and the Sun are squaring Uranus, but Venus’ (and from the eve of the New Moon, Mars’, too) input will make things easier.

So, Mars forms a triangle with Uranus, too. Accurately so on the 22nd of August. Then, Uranus will be Retrograde. The triangle will be active from the 7th of August and until the 6th of September. The aspect won’t affect noticeably this waning Moon period, of course. It can help us, though, achieve much progress on whatever we focus our efforts on, as well as to create significant changes in our lives.

From the 4th of August and until the 20th of the month, Venus will be in a triangle with Pluto, too. The aspect will be accurate on the 12th of the month. This triangle, amongst else, helps all matters of health. Love and sex life, too, receive some help. Also, charms, potions and philtres to enhance sex appeal can be quite effective. Charge such mediums after the New Moon of the 8th of August, but if you have have already made ones, make good use of them during this waning Moon period, too.

Overviewing the Full Moon in Aquarius:

So, this is a difficult Full Moon and waning Moon period. Retrograde activity is quite strong. On top of that, the stressful aspects are considerably more than the beneficial ones. Therefore, be patient, be calm, be persistent, wise and cautious, but, of course, do whatever you need to be doing. After all, the Grand Triangle of the Earth that is activated during this period can make things easier than the individual aspects suggest. Especially regarding the fields of your life it directly affects, and during the days the Moon will be in an Earth sign.

During this fortnight, the Moon will be in Taurus from the 30th of July and until the 2nd (or 1st depending on where you live) of August.

According to the Element, the fields of your life the Grand Triangle affects are:

For the Earth signs, every aspect of your life and, especially, creativity, whatever brings joy and pleasure (including love and social life), and all intellectual and artistic things.

For the Fire signs, all work, career, business and money matters. It’s a good period for organising your life, too. It can support your health and energy levels, but don’t overestimate those and don’t challenge them.

For the Water signs, social activity of any kind, including online one, as well as the love life (mostly for those in a relationship) and, also, productivity.

For the Air signs, home, family and whatever has to do with those. It can help if you are trying to purchase new property, or sell your own, too. Also, emotional healing, physical healing and a healing of your life and relationships receives help. Magical and spiritual abilities will be quite active and capable, too.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

Income receives some support, from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, but finances, in general, receive a few stressful influences. Expenses should be prioritised wisely and considered carefully. Some unexpected ones might occur, too. Also, health, both physical and emotional, seems sensitive. Emotional healing, though, receives some support. Even resting, relaxing and meditating can help you a lot on that. After the 29th health receives less stress, though.

Love and social life need some attention and some more effort, but, with wise handling they can be more pleasant than stressful. Work, career and business matters, on the other hand, receive mostly supportive and beneficial energies, and you can achieve much progress, there.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Work, career and business matters can cause you much stress under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Demands, there, might be too many, while some distractions might come from your environment and other needs. This is a better period for resting, rather than for working, as the former can have very good results on your physical and emotional condition, while the latter will need much more effort on your part. Regardless, your productivity is quite good. Just make sure you won’t overtire yourself. Creativity, too is very good.

Social life might not be fully unchallenged, but it’s mostly pleasant. Probably more active than you expect, too. Also, love life seems good and pleasant. This is a helpful period for meeting new people both for potential friends and for potential love interests. Some caution is advisable, but also, some good luck will support such efforts.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Your mood and your emotional condition still receive some stress during this fortnight. Physical health need attention and some care, but it’s not as stressed. Although some planets are in a stressful alignment with you, your health planet receives less stress from the 28thof July and by the 4th of August it receives mostly supportive long-term influences. Therefore, with some care, health is good and, if you are facing health issues, good developments are feasible and possible.

Work, career and business matters receive some stress, too, but there are more supportive energies affecting these matters. In most cases a clear and unbiased mind can help you overcome most of the challenges in the field. Your productivity is strong, too. Also, friends and family can play an important role in your life, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, for both good and ill, but mostly for good.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Although finances receive some beneficial influences from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, there are also enough stressful energies affecting them. Expenses can easily become more than you expect, so be wise with what you can control. Also, your mood and your emotional condition seem sensitive and need some support. Supporting your mood can boost your productivity and help your social life, too.

In general, social life tends to be more active, in a pleasant way. It can also be more productive and inspiring. Group activities, including work-related and not-related projects, but not only projects, can have better and more pleasant results than you expect. Love life, too, receives some good vibes.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

Work, career and business matters receive much stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Finances, too, can feel somewhat tight and need a wiser handling. Income, though, receives good vibes. Work, too, receives some help, despite the stress, so progress is happening. Significant one, too, in many cases, but not easily. Also, love and social life receive a little stress, but, in most cases, just a little.

Regardless the stress, this is a mostly good and beneficial period for you. Your governor in your zodiac and in conjunction with Mercury, give you the potential to achieve whatever you want to achieve, so do your best. Furthermore, healing seems strong, although health still needs some attention, and your magical and spiritual abilities are extra strong and capable.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Health, both emotional and physical, receive some stressful energies from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Regarding physical health, things are more possible to be a bit better than recently, and even more so after the 4th of August, as your health planet will start receiving some beneficial influences and directly from planets in your zodiac, to boot. Work, too, seems stressful, but progress there is happening. Overall work gets better as the days pass and it will be even better during the waxing fortnight, but from the 30th of July until the 3rd of August you have a very promising period for important developments in career matters.

Other than those, most aspects of your life proceed mostly well, Love and social life need some care, but they are mostly good, too. Also, your spiritual abilities are extra strong and capable during this fortnight.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

Health, both physical and emotional receive some stress, from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Healing, though, seems strong. After the 28th of the month, health receives less stress, too, but still needs attention. Also, social life can be less pleasant than you’d like. Love and, especially, love hunting, too.

Productivity and creativity need some pushing and some determination, but when you get down to those, they can be quite good. Also, most work, career and business matters receive mostly supportive energies. Furthermore, home and family can play a mostly pleasant role in your life, during this fortnight. Also, your magical and spiritual abilities are quite strong and capable.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Finding the right balance is probably the greatest challenge this Full Moon and this waning Moon period brings to you. Your individual potential is quite strong and capable. At the same time, people around you can give you obstacles and difficulties, and you can’t always avoid this people. In some cases, you actually need them. For instance, colleagues and business partners make things more difficult and stressful for you in work, while on your own can achieve much progress there. You probably need to co-work with them, though. Especially if there are cooperative projects. So, finding a way to utilise more of your potential while keeping the problems coming from their part to the minimum is what you should be doing. Family can also hindrance your work.

Similarly, friends and your other half can cause you some stress, while you are in a social and and romantic mode. Relatively fresh relationships will hardly affected by the stressful influences, though. Meeting new people is feasible and easier, but not all of them will be the right people, so keep your eyes open. Finally, your creativity and productivity are quite good.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Healing is quite strong under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, but health receives much stress, too. Emotional health and your mood more so than physical health, but both need some better care. There is a tendency for accidents, too, which gets much weaker after the 30th of July, so driving extra carefully and being extra careful while engaging with dangerous activities is highly advisable. Work, too, receives some stress, but there are strong energies supporting all work, career, business and money matters, too, so be wise and things will be okay.

Despite the stress, your imagination and intellectual abilities are quite strong. Keeping a positive outlook can help you make the best use of these abilities. Home and family can also stress you, occasionally, but they mostly play a pleasant and supportive role in your life. It’s a good period for house repairs, too.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress, from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Friends, your significant one and other people, but not as significantly, can add to this, at times. Keep in mind that your mind and heart give more gravity to negative and unpleasant events, talk and the like, than they deserve. In fact, love and social life are mostly pleasant. So, try to see things more objectively and they’ll look better.

Finances, too, receive some stress and some moderation can help. Travelling and transportations, too, and the same is true for jobs depending on those. Although travelling receives stress, the actual goal of your trip can be achieved. In some cases, in a better way than you’d expect. Also, your creativity and productivity are quite good. The same is true for your magical abilities.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Reducing unnecessary expenses is advisable, as some need of extra money might arise when you don’t expect it. Overall, though, this Full Moon and this waning Moon period support finances much more than they stress them. So, if you don’t get careless, things will be good and your financial condition can get much better by the end of the fortnight. Work, too, receives mostly beneficial energies.

Love also receives some stress. Mostly for those in a long-term relationship and for those who are trying to get a love relationship to a step further. Try to deal with the situations calmly. In the same time there are some helpful energies affecting love and with careful handling you can experience mostly those. Social life, too, seems mostly pleasant.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Your House of Health and your Health Planet are quite strong during this period, but there are there are enough planets in stressful alignment with your zodiac, so health should not be taken lightly. With proper care, though, it will be good and, if you are facing health issues, good developments are both feasible and possible. After the 28th of July things will be even better. Routine health checks, as well as beautification operations and other not strictly necessary operations should be done after then, too.

Love and social life, too, can be occasionally stressful, but the beneficial influences affecting those aspects of you life are quite strong under this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, so things proceed mostly well, there. Your creativity and productivity are also on good form.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic still is quite strong during this fortnight and especially until the 29th.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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