New Moon in Capricorn – 02 January 2022

New Moon in Capricorn

General Predictions for the New Moon in Capricorn:

On January the 2nd, at 18:34 UT, the Moon meets the Sun, in Capricorn, forming the New Moon. This New Moon is also a Super Moon.

This New Moon strongly and beneficially affects Uranus, which will give a support to all changes and new beginnings we want to achieve. Furthermore, the New Moon beneficially, although not noticeably on its own, affects Saturn. Along with the support on Uranus, this can calm, somewhat, the effects of Saturn-Uranus’ square, which is very strong during this fortnight.

Now, during the waxing fortnight, only Mercury changes its zodiac, on the very day of this New Moon, entering Aquarius. Furthermore, on the 14th, at 11:41 UT, it turns Retrograde. Also, Uranus slows down and, from the 10th, becomes practically stationary, as it will turn back into direct motion right after then Full Moon, on the 18th.

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Jupiter in Pisces:

You might know that Jupiter spends twelve months in each zodiac, but as we’ve said before, Jupiter is in a high-speed mode. It will remain in this mode until 2023. Therefore, it will spend only half 2022 in Pisces. (It has also spent half May 2021 and June 2021, there.) During the other six months, it will be in Aries. So, Jupiter will be in Pisces from the 29th of December 2021, until the 10th of May 2022, and then, from the 28th of October and until the 20th of December 2022.

On the downside, and extra-speedy Jupiter stays for a shorter period of time in a zodiac. On the bright side, though, it’s luckier than when it’s in normal speed. And Jupiter reaches its top speed during its stay in Pisces. Furthermore, it will meet with Neptune, in your zodiac. The modern and traditional rulers of your zodiac, meeting in your zodiac is a very lucky and a very rare phenomenon. It happens once in every 165 years. Furthermore, when this conjunction will be practically accurate (from the 7th of April, until the 17th of April), the Sun and Saturn will be in a hexagon and in a semi-sextile with the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune. This can help you manifest your dreams and ideals. So, make sure you have everything ready for this to happen.

Of course, Jupiter’s stay in Pisces, as well as its conjunction with Neptune, will also strongly benefit Cancer and Scorpio and, then, Taurus and Capricorn.

The inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Saturn’s and Uranus’ square is almost perfect. After all, it became accurate, for the 3rd time, on the 24th of December 2021. This is a years-long aspect and it won’t completely cease affecting us until January 2023. Therefore, we comment on it when it’s strong enough. Contrary to 2021, though, during 2022 there will be a few months when this square will be unnoticeable to almost inactive, and there won’t become accurate again. It will reach a less than a degree deviation (so, practically perfect) from the 15th of September and until the 23rd of October. Incidently, on that same day, Saturn will be turning back into Direct motion, while Uranus will still be Retrograde. Therefore, from then on, the square will be losing power fast enough.

Amongst else, this square gives us a sense, objective or not, of lack of freedom. It restricts us and makes us feel that changing the situations is quite hard, or even out of our hands. Challenging Saturn’s negative aspects need caution. Saturn is quite strict. Using Saturnian methods is more recommended. Therefore, use meditation and visualisation. Find out what restricts you from the inside out and, then, try to – slowly – overcome those restrictions. Furthermore, visualise yourself enjoying your life feeling free and happy. Despite Saturn’s strict nature, when its stay on a zodiac (or House) ends, or a long-term stressful aspect ends, it rewards our efforts, during the hard times, probably, more generously than Jupiter does. Therefore, be patient, and do the best you can do.

Also, Mars squares Neptune. Accurately so on the 11th of January 2022. The aspect got activated on the 29th of December 2021 and it will remain active until the 26th of January 2022. This square can challenge our emotional balance. It can also bring some tension in our personal relationships, of every nature. Keeping a cool and calm mind can help us reduce the effects of this square, significantly so.

And these are the only strong inauspicious aspects of the fortnight.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is slowly getting weaker, but it still has enough strength. In fact, even during this period’s weakest point, in February, it will be strong enough. Furthermore, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can still happen, although not as fast now. Breakthroughs might be rarer, but not insignificant.

Also, Venus forms a hexagon with Neptune. This hexagon became accurate for the first time on the 30th of November 2021. It will become accurate again on the 5th of January, 2022. The aspect is active since the 18th of November 2021 and it will remain active until the 26th of January 2022. Then, it will pause its activity until the 3rd of February, when it will get reactivated. The hexagon will completely stop affecting us on the 9th of March, 2022.

Amongst else, this surprising long-lived hexagon supports love life, social life, all kinds of healing and beautification, as well as all forms of artistic creativity.

Furthermore, Venus conjuncts Pluto. The aspect became accurate for the first time on the 11th of December and, then, for a second time, on the 25th. The conjunction, though, is active since the 23rd of November 2021 and it will remain so until the 13th of January, 2022. Then, again, from the 18th of February and until the 15th of March. Amongst else, this conjunction can support love life. Especially so for Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn and Virgo.

Also, Mercury, too, conjuncts Pluto. This one became accurate on the 30th of December 2021. The aspect, though, will remain active until the 7th of January. Amongst else, this aspect empowers all kinds of magic. Furthermore, it supports healing of all kinds and means, including via traditional methods.

Mars if in a hexagon with Saturn, since the 14th of December. The hexagon became accurate on the 30th of December 2021, and it will remain active until the 15th of January. Amongst else, this hexagon can raise our determination and self-motivation, and it can help as achieve whatever we are trying to achieve, or make a significant progress with our goals. It can also make us more stubborn than we should be, so be aware of that.

Furthermore, the Sun forms a triangle with Uranus. The triangle became accurate on the 1st of January, and the aspect is active since the 23rd of December. It will remain so until the 11th of January. This aspect can help all kinds of online job and business and whatever has to do with technology. It can also bring some help and good luck in whatever changes we want to achieve, somewhat reducing the effects of Saturn’s-Uranus’ square.

Also, the Sun conjuncts Venus. Accurately so on the 9th of January. The aspect will be active from the 3rd of January and until the 15th of the month. Despite Venus’ retrograde activity, this aspect can bring in some good luck in love and social life, as well as benefit artists of all kinds, and those who make a living from art.

Moreover, the Sun conjuncts Pluto. This conjunction will become accurate on the eve of the Full Moon, the 16th of January. The aspect, though, will be active from the 7th of January and until the 26th of the month. Amongst else, this aspect can help emotional healing. It can also help wish manifestation and, especially, long term wishes and those that don’t have a specific event of realisation.

Finally, the Sun forms a hexagon with Neptune. Accurately so on the 11th of January. The hexagon will be active from the day of this New Moon and until the 21st of January. This hexagon also supports emotional healing and, also, magic. It can also help us bring in some light and joy in our personal relationships.


So, this is a mostly good and beneficial New Moon and waxing Moon period, the likes of which we haven’t seen since early 2020. Although the stressful influences are quite strong and significant and Venus and, then, Mercury will be Retrograde, the auspicious and helpful influences are also very strong and of an overwhelming amount.

Especially for Capricorn and Pisces and, then, for the rest of the zodiacs of Earth and Water, this can be an even better fortnight. Making the best you can with it can help you achieve more in 2022, so don’t waste it.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

Finances need a wiser approach, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Also, your mood and your emotional condition need some support. Otherwise, though, this is quite a good fortnight.

Work, career and business matters receive quite good energies and progress, there, is achievable. It’s also a helpful period for finding a new job, or for starting a new business. Despite the stress on finances, income actually receives some support, too, but not enough to let your guard down. Finding additional income is also possible. Furthermore, social life seems pleasant. Also, studies, researches and the like can advance quite well and more easily than you expect.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Work, career and business mattes are quite stressful and challenging, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Progress and successes, there, are feasible, but with more effort. On the bright side, you feel you have the energy to put this effort and you actually do. Just make sure you won’t overtire yourself.

Social life is mostly pleasant. Maybe, not very active, though. In most cases, though, if you try to make it more active you’ll achieve that. Also, studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual, spiritual and artistic nature receive helpful influences. Travelling, as well as whatever has to do with people from other places also receives the help of the stars.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Colleagues and partners can cause you some stress during the fortnight, but most work, career and business matters receive quite good energies. Much progress and successes, there, are feasible and attainable. Also, your mood and your emotional condition need some support.

Loved ones and dear friends, though, can play an important and beneficial role in your life and they can support your mood, too. The New Moon and the waxing Moon period can help you reform yourself and your life in to a healthier and happier one. Physical healing, too, receives support. Furthermore, your magical and spiritual abilities are extra strong.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Health, both physical and emotional one, receives some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Driving more carefully and being more careful when engaging at dangerous activities is advisable. Also, expenses need a moderation.

Income, though, receives some help. Also, work proceeds quite well and productively so. Furthermore, love life seems pleasant. Especially so for those in a relationship. Social life, too, is pleasant and active. This is a good period for re-connecting with people you’ve lost contact with. Additionally, meeting new people also receives support. Potential love interests might also occur. If so, take it slowly and things can evolve quite well.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

Colleagues and partners can cause you some stress. Other work, career and business matters, too, can be more challenging than you expect. Despite the stress, though, progress in the field is achievable. And significant one, too. Try to avoid distractions and keep your focus and efforts on what you should be doing, and you’ll achieve what you want.

Also, health seems good and healing is quite strong. Needless to say, of course, if you encounter any health issue seek the advice of your doctor. This New Moon and this waxing Moon period can also help you organise your daily life and routine. Furthermore, love and social life are quite pleasant. Your creativity is good, too.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Health seems sensitive, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Healing, though, receives some support. Therefore, with proper care, things can be quite good. Needless to say, if you face any health issue, consult your doctor. Also, work can be quite demanding.

Family, although it can stress you, occasionally, it can also give you some good news. Also, love can have some difficult moments, mostly for those in a long standing relationship, but the beneficial influences affecting it will overwhelm the fortnight. Those in a relatively new relationship, and those searching for ones will experience almost exclusively the beneficial energies. Furthermore, your creativity is quite good.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

Work can be quite demanding and somewhat stressful, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Health also seems sensitive and needs some better care. Furthermore, your sense of joy and satisfaction can be challenged.

Nonetheless, focus on those qualities and bring them in to your life. Thinking of what you can do to make yourself and your life happier, instead of what you would like to do but you can’t, can help you achieve much, much more than you expect, as those efforts receive support. Also, friends, your love and family can play a mostly pleasant role in your life. Meeting a new love is also possible. Furthermore, your creativity and your productivity are quite capable.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Expenses and obligations might exceed your expectations, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Therefore, it would be wise to decide wisely where you spend your money. Income, though, receives some good vibes. Also, family and your other half might need more of your care and energy.

Otherwise, though, love life seems quite pleasant. It’s a helpful period for meeting new potential love interests, too. Similarly, social life is quite pleasant and active. Expanding your social circle, too, receives help. Furthermore, your productivity and your creativity are quite good. It’s also a helpful period for improving your skills and knowledge.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Home and family can cause you some stress, or need more of your time and energy, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Similarly, work can be quite demanding and stressful. Nonetheless, progress, there, is feasible, and significant one, too, but, probably, with more effort. Your productivity is quite good and capable, too. It’s also a helpful period for job seekers, too. Furthermore, finances, in general, and income, in particular receive quite good energies.

Health seems sensitive and needs some better care. Driving more carefully is also advisable. Social life, on the other hand, receives mostly beneficial energies.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Your mood and your emotional condition seem sensitive and need some better care, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Also, expenses and obligations might be more than you expect and stress you, a bit. Therefore, prioritise wisely. Making long-term financial planning, thought, receives beneficial influences.

Otherwise, though this is quite a good fortnight, for you. Your self-confidence, self motivation and your charms are quite strong. Your productivity, your creativity and your inspiration, too. Furthermore, love and social life can be quite pleasant and quite active. Also, make sure you make some room for fun in your daily life, as having fun attracts good luck of all kinds, for you.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Finances receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Be wise with your expenses, as much as possible. Long term financial planning, though, receives support. Also, home and family can cause you some stress.

Nonetheless, you seem to have enough energy and self motivation. On top of that, your productivity is very strong. Therefore, you can achieve much progress with all your projects and goals. Initiating new ones, too, receives support. Also, social life seems pleasant. Furthermore, healing and, especially, emotional one, is good. Your imagination, your inspiration, as well as your spiritual abilities are in good shape, too.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Also, your mood and your emotional condition need some support. Occasionally, friends can add to this, but, overall, social life is quite good, pleasant, active and – in many cases – productive. Therefore, be cool, react calmly and things can become even better.

Your own productivity is quite good, too, and this is an auspicious period for starting new project. If possible, try to at least make the first step towards all your goals for 2022 now. This can help ease the way of their development and success. Furthermore, despite the stress on work, career and business matters, important decision making for such matters receives supportive energies.

Astrology and Magic:

All magic is very strong during this fortnight, too. Charms, potions, philtres and the like as well as Water magic for any purposes, even more so.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period.

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