Daily Predictions: Saturday, January 15, 2022

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon, from Gemini forms two karmic aspects. One with the Sun one with Pluto. Hence, the weekend begins in a very interesting way as things might get unexpected turns. As Mercury goes Retrograde things like that might get even more oftet. And this retrograde Mercury is NO ORDINARY one. Check here for more advice. Furthermore, Moon later enters Cancer where it will prepare the upcoming first Full Moon of the Year.

So, this day is rather crazy yet interesting.

Libra and Aquarius are the luckiest signs. Gemini, Virgo and Pisces receive more stress. The night is luckier for Scorpio &  Pisces.

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Daily Predictions for Aries:

Something amazing might happen from your social circle in the beginning of the weekend. Maybe someone from the past or a feeling might come to wake you up in a sweet way. As the day progresses you will focus more on your home and family where tension rises. Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

The weekend begins with power shift regarding your finances. Hence, magic is now focued on how you will properly manage your expenses or maybe even find a new (or old) way of getting more money. Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

The weekend begins with amazing sense of karmic feedback as things that will happen will give you a weird sense of completion. As the day progresses your will turn your focus towards finances. Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

The weekend begins with powerful omens from your dreamworld or even in real life. Visions, animals, synchronicities are part of today’s schedule. As the day progresses you will feel the power shifting towards you. The energy of the Full Moon is rising. Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

The power of the Day is mostly about how you handle people who you have history with. Hence, old boyfriends/girfriends or just friends from the past may come back. Further more, as the day progresses  you will feel more power coming to you. Open your eyes for omens. Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

The Weekend begins with important things happening in your professional life. Something has come and you need patience and to evaluate. However, as the day progresses you will focus more on your social life. Please stay careful thought. Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

The weekend begins with major karmic energy wave which can help you evolve and rise about your problems. Hence it’s a very important day. However, as the day progresses tension rises in your Professional Life. Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

The weekend begins with karmic and transformative energies which will filter your most important wishes and desires from the inside. Please remember that as the day progresses the Moon will give you the energy you need to rise above what’s been bothering you a give you a push forward.  Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

The weekend begins with powerful energies in your most important relationships. Hence, you need to stay calm and filter emotions coming from this way. As the day progresses, powerful transformative energies wake up your instincts. Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

The energy of the day begins with magical moments in your everyday life. You feel that everything that happens is supposed to happen. As the day progresses you will feel tension rising in your marriage or most important relationships. Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

The Weekend begins with magical moments which can bring you joy. As the day progresses, power will help you achieve more things in your daily routine or even give you the time to work with your body and health. Goal of the weekend is to have fun and not rush! Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Weekend begins with you focusing on family and home. There is something there what has captured your interest and focus. However, as the day progresses, things start to become more interesting as joy finds a way to come in your heart. Play safe though. Mercury turns Retrograde! Click here to see how it affects your Zodiac Sign.

Astrology and Magic:

Fire Magic, as well as all meditative techniques can have better results, today. As always, do take all fire safety precautions when you are working with fire.

That’s all. Have fun, and enjoy your day!

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