No ordinary Mercury Retrograde: January 14 – February 3/4

No ordinary Mercury Retrograde: January 14 - February 3

Mercury Retrograde is a phase we hate and love at the same time. Well, mostly hate – truth be told. It’s a phase when everything seems stuck. Emotional and intellectual stagnation is enough to push us to our limits. But that’s not always enough. Unexpected cancellations, failures and accidents are also part of the plan.

No ordinary Retrograde Mercury

Because there are so many astrological alignments at the same time. This is no ordinary Mercury Retrograde. It begins in Aquarius (January 14 to 25) when it starts to dance backwards. Later (January 25 – February 3) it will pass in Capricorn. But during his retrograde course many things will change.

  • Four days after Mercury goes retrograde, the Tides of the Destiny change. This is a global energy shift since 2020. Hence, the Lunar True Nodes pass in Taurus, affecting them along with Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. (Keep in mind that the Lunar Nodes has already passed in Taurus-Scorpio axis.)
  • At the same day, Uranus stops retrograde course and turns direct. Hence, this is a day of tremendous changes. Save the date: January 18, 2022.
mercury blend
Use Mercury’s incense to call upon the God of Communication and Psychic Abilities

Daily Predictions for Aries:

From January 14 until the last day in Aquarius – January 25, the trickster will ‘play’ with social boundaries and people around you. You might feel that no one can understand you as if they act crazy. Also, lost friends may come back to you. From January 25 till early February, you might need to slow down in your professional life and not jump to conclusions. I tell you this because many things are about to change. Keep a clear mind. Check things over and over again!

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Daily Predictions for Taurus:

The Retrograde phase begins with issues regarding your job and your public recognition. Typical Taurus will say “oh dear gods…” but this is not an ordinary Retrograde Mercury. In January 18 you will feel such a relief as Uranus in your Zodiac Sign turns direct! Hence,  be prepared for amazing opportunities which might be disguised! It seems that 2022 has not started too good for you with Venus – your governor – ALSO retrograde until the end of the month. Of course, as the days go by, and the end of the month seems like an oasis you’ve been looking for. Yes, more responsibilities are coming – and changes, but these are here to elevate you.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

The Retrograde Phase of Mercury affects you mostly as this is your governor. Thankfully it begins in a friendly zodiac sign dear Gemini. Hence, at first you might need to slow down when travelling and check again and again tickets, documents etc. Also, anything related with education and religion needs to be revised too! Thankfully, Uranus turning direct and Lunar Nodes leaving your Zodiac sign is a huge relief! Later in January be more aware with money – especially money that do not come directly to you (heritage, loans, shares…)

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

It feels that this Retrograde Mercury is about to make you reconsider valuable things regarding who you are in this world. Hence, your emotions might go under transformation as you will try to understand if some people are worthy your efforts. Money needs attention too, dear Cancer. Later in January (after January 25) you need to be more cautious in negotiations, collaborations – including your marriage. Finally, if any legal issue occurs – try to push it back for after February 15. If you cannot, then be extra careful what you agree in.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

A very important time for you, dear Leo. Although Retrograde Mercury rarely affects you that much, this is no ordinary Retrograde phase. You will need to be calm and keep you head clean from negative thoughts and emotions. Why? Because power is coming. Retrograde Uranus was hard on you (too) but from January 18, Universe gives you two gift. One, is that changes are now auspicious. And two, Tides of Power are coming. Yes, this means that you might need to accept more responsibilities but the Tides will give you the power you need to make important changes in your life. Say Bye-bye to what’s keeping you behind!

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

This is No ordinary Retrograde Mercury for you dear Virgo. Remember my words. There is much planned for you. Let’s begin by saying that this might be one final battle, probably against yourself. Why? Because what you’ve been through since 2020, now comes one final burst of energy comes towards you – to finalize your victory. So, be extra careful. Save you energy. This “final battle” may just be a thought or a habit. Either way it’s coming and you need to be prepared. After January 25, things are gradually finding their own path and you will feel relief and satisfaction.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

The retrograde Phase is not that bad for you, dear Libra. Not bad at all. You see, it begins in a very friendly sign for you and, from there, changes come, which ultimately can change your life. Hence, keep good feelings inside your heart, because let me tell you a secret. Everything can change in a blink of an eye. So, load good energy and keep an eye on opportunities especially around January 18. After this, things will feel easier. From January 25 and in February you might need to keep an eye on things that happen in your home and family.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Can you feel the power? It’s coming towards you. And it’s coming from unexpected and unprecedented ways. This is what I was telling you about! Now you need to be prepared because you might end up winning all the battles you’ve ever given. Retrograde Mercury begins messing with balance regarding your family and home. Around January 18 expect changes and news regarding your most important relationships and collaborations. Be prepared. After January 25, things calm down a lot and healing energies come – even disguised ones – from friends.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

This is no ordinary Retrograde Mercury, dear Sagittarius. This is the time when things are about to change dramatically in your life. The trickster of the Zodiac Sign has prepared a mind game for you. Hence, what you need to do is keep your mind grounded. Keep everything under your bright attitude towards life, because I’ve got some very good news for you. What has been troubling you since 2020 now comes to an end. Yes, the past 2 years may have brought something very important, but at some point, those increased responsibilities and unexpected events brought you to your knees. Now, it’s time to breathe the air of freedom – once again!

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

These are days of good news and positive outcomes. However, these all might be (at first) disguised as problems and unexpected issues. Let’s take this from the beginning, shall we? At first, the Messenger of the Gods dancing retrograde will play some games in your finances, trying to find what is missing and what needs to be solved too. However, as the days go by – especially after January 25, you might need to see yourself under and brand new perspective. Because so many things are about to change and you will be asked to reinvent yourself. What is it that brings you joy? Make this clear in you, because now it’s your time to live!

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

This is no ordinary Retrograde phase of Mercury, dear Aquarius. For starters this all begins in your Zodiac Sign. Hence, from January 14, Mercury will dance backwards making you question your identity and your whole personality. Is it something you’re doing wrong all this time? Could you be more you? Can you have all that you desire? Yes, you can! This retrograde will help you see once again what is holding you back. Moreover, on January 18, all these unexpected changes at home are about to stop as Uranus, your governor goes direct. Hence, with your governor direct you are going to receive more and more blessings each day. Last but not least, the Tides of Power are coming towards you. Hence, you’ll be given the opportunity for major breakthroughs. Just remember to stay grounded and keep good vibes in your heart.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

One thing is certain, dear Pisces. With all these energies nothing is boring. In the slightest possibility that you feel bored right now, things are about to change. As this is no ordinary retrograde Hermes/Mercury. This is a very important opportunity for you to change what needs to be changed. What has brought you to your knees since 2020 now is about to end. Furthermore, what troubled you about your friends and relatives is also about to end, and changes will now be positive. Furthermore, by the end of January (25) you will have the opportunity to attract new friends and people who will support you, hence rebrand your social image!

Astrology and Magic:

Fire Magic, as well as all meditative techniques can have better results, today. As always, do take all fire safety precautions when you are working with fire.

That’s all. Have fun, and enjoy your day!

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