Full Moon in Aries – 09 October 2022

Full Moon in Aries

General Predictions for the Full Moon in Aries:

On October the 9th, at 20:55 UT, the Moon, from Aries, accurately opposes the Sun, in Libra, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also known as the Hunter’s Full Moon. It’s also the beginning of the Ecliptic Period, as the coming New Moon of the 25th of October will be a Solar Eclipse.

During the waning Moon period, Mercury enters Libra, on the 10th of October. Later, on the 23rd of October, the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio. The latter change, as it happens only two days before the coming New Moon, it will affect mostly the waxing Moon fortnight. Furthermore, on the same day, Saturn turns Direct again, at 04:07 UT.

Therefore, the planetary scenery doesn’t change much, until right before the New Moon, while Saturn’s change of course will affect the quality of the retrograde activity, but not the total amount of it. After all, on the 30th of October, while Saturn will still be practically stationary, Mars will turn Retrograde.

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The inauspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Saturn squares Uranus. This is a years-long aspect that keeps stressing us since 2020 and it will completely cease affecting us on the 24th of January 2023. Therefore, we only refer to it when it’s strong enough. On the bright side, the square won’t become accurate again. Nonetheless, it is on its last peak, with a deviation smaller than– therefore practically perfect – since the 15th of September and until the 23rd of October.

Amongst else, this square reduces our freedom and sense of freedom. It makes achieving changes much more challenging. It can also give us the feeling that achieving those is out of our hands. As both planets are now Retrograde, we might feel like we are progressing “backwards”. On the bright side, Saturn has been forming more auspicious aspects than stressful ones for some time now, and it will continue doing so for the remaining period of this square’s activity. Therefore, things are more likely to be not-easy, but easier than during the last months of 2021 and the first months of 2022.

Also, Mercury opposes Jupiter. The aspect is active since the 24th of August and it will remain active until the 18th of October. It has become accurate for the first time on the 3rd of September, when Mercury was Direct. Then, for a second time on the 18th of September, when Mercury was Retrograde. Finally, it will become accurate for a third time on the 12th of October, when Mercury will be Direct again. On all three of these dates, as well as throughout the whole period of this aspect’s activity, Jupiter is Retrograde.

Amongst else, this aspect can bring some extra challenges in all work and money matters. Trade and, especially so, international one, as well as travelling and studies of all kinds receive some stress. Communications, and the means of those, also need more attention. All these might have been more challenging while Mercury was Retrograde, and they’ll become more challenging now, again, for the influences of the Ecliptic Period start affecting us. On the bright side, the first Eclipse won’t stress either Mercury, or Jupiter.

Also, the Sun squares Pluto. Accurately so on the 19th of October. The aspect will be active from the 10th of October and until the 29th of the month. Amongst else, this aspect can bring some stress in financial matters. It can also challenge our emotional well being.

Venus, too, squares Pluto. This one will become accurate on the 20th of October. The square will be active from the 13th of October and until the 28th of the month. This aspect, too, can stress our emotional health and condition. It can also challenge love life and all our personal relationships.

Similarly, Mercury squares Pluto. Accurately so on the 27th of the month. The aspect will be active from the 22nd of October and until the 2nd of November. Health issues need some extra care under the influences of this aspect. Emotional health, too, of course.

Finally, Mars squares Neptune. Accurately so on the 12th of October, while Mars will be Direct and Neptune will be Retrograde. The aspect is active since the 17th of September, and it will remain active until the 17th of December. It will become accurate again on the 19th of November, when both planets will be Retrograde. This is a challenging aspect for our emotional condition. Our rational thinking can be clouded by our emotions, too. Therefore, all important decisions need a more careful and thorough consideration, while our emotional condition needs support.

On the bright side, Mars’ triangle with Saturn, which will be active until after this square ceases activity, will help us with emotional healing and it will give us a clearer mind. More so while the Grand Triangle of Mercury, Mars and Saturn will be active, which will start being active during this fortnight, on the 21st of October.

The auspicious influences of the Full Moon:

Neptune’s years-long hexagon with Pluto is still very strong. As we’ve said, although this hexagon will be becoming stronger and weaker many times, without ever losing most of its strength, it won’t become accurate again until the 24th of July 2026. By then, though, both planets will have changed their zodiacs.

For this year, though, on the 25th of March the hexagon crossed the midpoint of the 5° deviation, becoming quite strong and it will remain so until the 17th of January 2023, when it will, once again cross the 5°, but, then, while it will be becoming weaker. Furthermore, from the 4th and until the 22nd of August it had a peak, when its deviation was 1° 53’ – 1° 54’ apart from accuracy. Now, slowly, it’s getting weaker. Nonetheless it’s far from weak. In fact, it will remain “accurate enough” until the 21st of October, when it will cross the 3°.

Amongst else, this hexagon empowers magic and helps us heal our souls, and our relationships. Physical healing, and especially via traditional methods, also receives some help. Progress in medicine and pharmacology, in a global level can receive support, too.

Also, Mercury is still in a triangle with Pluto. The aspect became accurate on the 27th of September and started affecting us on the 18th of September. It will remain active until the 15th of October. It became accurate again on the 7th of October, when Mercury was Direct and Pluto was barely Retrograde. Amongst else, this triangle greatly strengthens magic. Also, it helps with fixing problems in our finances, as well as in our health.

The Sun forms a triangle with Saturn. Accurately so on the 12th of October. The aspect is active since the 3rd of October and it will remain so until the 22nd of the month. We’ve seen this triangle, and the Grand Triangle of Sun, Saturn and Mars that will be formed during this aspect’s period of influence on the Retrograde Saturn’s article.

Therefore, the Sun forms a triangle with Mars, too. This one is active since the 5th of October and it will remain active until the 29th of the month. It will become accurate on the 17th of October. While both this and the previous aspect are active, that is from the 5th and until the 22nd of October, the Grand Triangle of the Air, of Saturn, Mars and the Sun will be active. Regarding the Sun’s and Mars’ triangle, the harmonious cooperation of the two fiery planets can bring enthusiasm and boost our optimism. It can also motivate us to work more on our goals and help us make progress with them.

Since the 7th of October, Venus is in a triangle with Saturn. This triangle will be active until the 22nd of October and it will become accurate on the 14th of the month. We’ve also seen this triangle on the Retrograde Saturn’s article. During this fortnight, from the 10th of October and until the 22nd of the month, the Grand Triangle of the Air, of Venus, Mars and Saturn will also be active. We’ve also talked about this on the Retrograde Saturn’s article.

Also, Venus forms a triangle with Mars. Accurately so on the 19th of October. The aspect will be active from the 10th of October and until the 27th of the month. Amongst else, this can help love life and also love hunting. Both Venus and Mars receive some “mind-clouding” influences, so some extra caution is advisable. Nevertheless, a trine is a strong and harmonious beneficial aspect, so it’s bound to give us some blessings regardless.

Moreover, Venus conjuncts the Sun. Accurately so on the 22nd of October, when both planets will be in Libra. The aspect has started affecting us on the 17th of September, when both planets were in Virgo, and it will continue doing so until the 2nd of December, when both planet will be in Sagittarius. This conjunction can bring some help to love life, social life, financial matters and also, to jobs that are related to health, beautification and the arts.

Mercury forms a triangle with Saturn. Accurately so on the 23rd of October, the day Saturn turns Direct. The aspect will be active from the 17th of October and until the 28th of the month. We’ve seen this triangle on the Retrograde Saturn’s article.

Of course, Mercury forms a triangle with Mars, too. The aspect will become accurate on the 27th of October. The aspect will be active from the 21st of October and until the 2nd of November. By then Mars will be Retrograde. Despite that, this aspect can promote social life and professional social activity. Trade and all jobs and tasks depending on good communication receive support.

Last but not least, Mars forms a triangle with Saturn. The triangle is active since the 8th of September and it will remain active until the Solstice of the 21st of December. It became accurate for the first time on the 28th of September. It will become accurate again on the 28th of November. Then, Saturn will be Direct, but Mars will be Retrograde. This is a very beneficial aspect as we’ve seen on the Retrograde Saturn’s article, and during the period of its activity a number of Grand Triangles of Air will also be formed. During this fortnight, all three of them will bless us.

Overviewing the Full Moon in Aries:

So, overall, this is a mostly good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period. On the negatives, Saturn’s and Uranus’ square is still on its last peak, but by the coming New Moon, this peak will have come to an end. Also, Pluto is again very active and mostly stressfully so. Therefore, our mood and our emotional health and condition are challenged, even for the zodiacs that this is not a direct influence. Finally, the influences of the coming Solar Eclipse start affecting us. Maybe not so clearly during the first half of the waning Moon period, but much more clearly after then.

On the bright side, the first Eclipse is relatively gentle, as it will affect only one planet – Venus – and in a supportive way. Furthermore, two of the Grand Triangles of the Air are active throughout the fortnight, and by the end of the fortnight the third will have also be active. More over, moreover, the beneficial aspects are significantly more than the stressful ones. Therefore, indeed, this is a mostly good Full Moon and waning Moon fortnight.

Full Moon Predictions for Aries:

There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac until the 23rd. Your Health Planet is amongst them, too. Therefore, health, both physical and emotional one, needs some better care. Resting well, relaxing enough and taking good care of yourself in every possible way is highly advisable. More so since the Ecliptic Period has started. Also, work, career and business matters receive some stress. Colleagues and partners can play a role to this. Your Career House is also stressed and not insignificantly so. Nonetheless, your Career Planet is strongly supported. By the ruler of your zodiac, too. Therefore, despite the stress, progress, there is achievable.

Love and social life might not be stress free, but they receive mostly beneficial influences. After the 18th things can be even better. Also, your productivity is quite good and much progress can be achieved with all your projects. Furthermore, this is a helpful period for job interviews, job applications, as well as for promoting yourself, your services and your business.

Full Moon Predictions for Taurus:

There are three planets in a beneficial alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Full Moon, but from the next day, only two will remain, for the rest of the fortnight. At the same time, there is only one planet in a stressful alignment, but from the 23rd they’ll become three. Moreover, by then, the energies of the Solar Eclipse happening in your axis will be quite strong. So, this is not a bad fortnight, but it becomes more challenging as it proceeds. Your Health Planet, although it receives much support, it also receives some stress, while your Health House is quite active and receives a significant stress. Much support, too. Therefore health can be a main focus during this fortnight and needs better care. At the same time it’s a helpful period for improving your health and physical condition.

Love life, too, can be quite challenging. Work, career and business matters, on the other hand receive quite good energies. There might become quite demanding, but progress, there, is happening. Also, expenses need some moderation, but finances, in general, and income, in particular, receive mostly beneficial influences.

Full Moon Predictions for Gemini:

There is only one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, but there are five planets in a beneficial alignment. On top of that, the three Grand Triangles of the Air are in action. Therefore, this can be a very beneficial and mostly pleasant Full Moon and waning Moon period for you. Your mood and your emotional condition need some support, while work, career and business matters might cause you some stress. Nonetheless, progress and successes, there, are achievable.

Love and social life are mostly pleasant, but not stress-free. After the 18th things can become ever better. It’s a helpful period for those who are searching for a new relationship, too. Even more so after the 21st. Furthermore, your creativity is quite capable and it’s a good period for starting new projects. Studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual, spiritual and artistic nature receive support. It’s also a good period for enrolling in schools, seminars and courses.

Full Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Although this is a mostly good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period, it can become quite stressful for you, at the same time. There are five planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac until the 23rd. Your Health Planet is amongst them. Therefore, health, both physical and emotional one, needs good care. Also, work, career and business matters receive some stress. Healing, though, is strong.

Home and family can occasionally stress you, too, but they are mostly provide support. Love life, though, can be a little more tricky. More so for those in a long-standing relationship. At the same time, though, this is a helpful period for healing personal relationships. In fact, do that, as soon as possible. It’s also a helpful period for those who want to acquire a new place of residence, and for those moving in one. Furthermore, your imagination and inspiration are quite capable. The same is true for your magical and spiritual abilities.

Full Moon Predictions for Leo:

From the day after this Full Moon and until the 23rd of the month, there are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac and five planets in a beneficial alignment with it. From the 23rd, though, this ratio changes and there will be four planets in a stressful alignment and only three in a beneficial one. Not to mention that the energies of the Eclipse happening in the Fixed Cross – your Cross – will be quite strong, by then. Therefore, this fortnight is quite good, but it gets more challenging as we are getting closer to the Eclipse.

Health needs some extra care. More so as we are approaching the coming New Moon and Solar Eclipse. Nonetheless, healing is good. Similarly, work, career and business matters receive some stress, but progress, there is achievable. Your productivity is quite good, too. It’s also a helpful period for job interviews, job applications and for advertising and promoting yourself, your business and your services. Furthermore, love and social life are quite active and mostly pleasantly so.

Full Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Your health, both physical and emotional one, receives some stress from this Full Moon and this waning Moon period, and needs a better care. Also, financial matters and money handling needs a wiser consideration. Nonetheless, finances, including income, receive mostly beneficial and supportive influences. It’s also a good period for purchasing what you need and want. Since the Ecliptic Period has started, though, some exercising some prudence with your expenses and prefer shops with good return policies and after-sales services.

Also, work, career and business matters receive some stress, but, regardless, much progress and successes, there, are achievable. Colleagues, partners, business meetings and the like can be more challenging to deal with than you expect, though. Your creativity, on the other hand, is quite good. Furthermore, love and social life receive mostly pleasant energies. Overall, this is a mostly beneficial fortnight for you and, despite the energies of the coming Eclipse getting stronger, it will probably become better from the 23rd and until few days after the Eclipse. Therefore, make good use of it.

Full Moon Predictions for Libra:

Although this is a mostly good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period, it can be quite challenging for the Cardinal Cross. Your zodiac, though, is the exception. From the 10th and until the 23rd, three planets are in your zodiac – not counting the Moon – including the ruler of your zodiac. On top of that, two planets are in a beneficial alignment and the Grand Triangles of the Air are strongly supporting you. Therefore, this can be one of the most pleasant and beneficial fortnights of 2022 for you. Nonetheless, your Health Planet is in a stressful alignment and receives some stress, and so does your Health House. Therefore, health should not be taken lightly.

Love and social life might not be stress-free, but they are mostly pleasant and somewhat lucky, too. Long-standing relationships might receive the stressful influences more strongly, until the 18th. On the contrary, relatively new relationships might not feel this stress, while finding a new relationship receives only supportive influences. Also, your creativity is quite good. Travelling, too, receives beneficial influences.

Full Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, throughout the fortnight, and two planets in a beneficial alignment with it. On the 23rd, though, two planets will enter your zodiac. The coming Solar Eclipse is also happening there. Therefore, this is a very promising, but not necessarily easy-going fortnight for you. In fact, a period of power for your zodiac is starting on the 23rd, and by the next Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse three planets will be there. Not to mention that Jupiter will also be in a beneficial alignment with your zodiac by then. So make the best use of this fortnight, the next one and the one after the next. The better you handle the chaotic energies of the Ecliptic Period, the more you’ll be benefited by them.

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress and need your support. Physical health, also needs some extra care. Your Health Planet doesn’t receive any stress, but your Health House receives some until the 18th. So, with proper care, health should be good. Needless to say, if any issue occurs consult your doctor. Relaxing your schedule – in the long run, too – is advisable. Love and social life need a better and calmer handling, but they are not bad. Your productivity and creativity, on the other hand, are quite good. Home and family can play a supportive role in your life, too. Furthermore, your imagination, your inspiration as well as your magical and spiritual abilities are very capable.

Full Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

There are only two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Full Moon and throughout the whole waning Moon period, but there are five planets in a beneficial alignment, until the 23rd. Therefore, this is a mostly good and beneficial fortnight for you, overall. Your Health Planet is in a beneficial alignment and, even after the 23rd, it will enter a neutral alignment. Your Health House, though, receives some stress. Therefore, health needs some care, but given that, it should be good. Also, work and finances receive some challenges. Reduce your expenses and these should not be any serious issue regarding money.

Also, love and social life are mostly pleasant, but, until the 18th, things can be a bit tensed. More so when it comes to party like events, social gatherings and also relatively new relationships. Once again, though, things are mostly pleasant. In fact, social life can be more active than usual. It’s a good period for expanding your social circle, too, or your online audience. Furthermore, your productivity is good and much progress can be achieved with all your projects.

Full Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac until the 23rd of the month. Moreover, Pluto in your zodiac receives direct stress from three of them. On top of that, your Health Planet is in a stressful alignment. Therefore, health needs good care. Work, career and business matters are likely to face some challenges and obstacles. More so if you are trying to start a new business. Nonetheless, much progress, there is achievable, as they receive even stronger support. Similarly, expenses might make you feel somewhat insecure about your finances, but income receives supportive energies. Quite significant ones, too. Therefore, with proper care, money should not face problems.

Furthermore, your productivity is quite good and it’s a helpful period for starting new projects. Also, social life receives mostly pleasant energies. It’s a helpful period for strengthening existing relationships, as well as for expanding your social circle. Work related social activity receives even better energies.

Full Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

This is a quite good and beneficial Full Moon and waning Moon period for you. There are five planets in a beneficial alignment with your zodiac, until the 23rd, and only one planet in a stressful alignment. Keep in mind, though, that on the 23rd this ratio will change and there will be three planets in a stressful alignment and another three in a beneficial alignment. On top of that, the energies of the coming Solar Eclipse happening in your Cross will be quite strong, too. Therefore, do your best until then. Remember that the Grand Triangles of the Air also support you.

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress. More so until the 18th. The better you support your mood the better the fortnight will be for you. Also, finances need a wiser handling. Otherwise, though, this is a mostly pleasant and probably quite lucky fortnight for you. Love and social life seem pleasant. Your creativity is quite good. Studies and all occupations and avocations of intellectual, spiritual and artistic nature receive support. Furthermore, travelling receives beneficial influences.

Full Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress, under the influences of this Full Moon and this waning Moon period. Home, family and your environment in general can play a role to this. At the same time, though, it’s a helpful period for taking care of your home, and making any repairs necessary, there. Also, finances receive some stress, but finding ways to reduce your expenses and to make better use of your resources receives help. It’s also advisable to do that.

Health doesn’t receive any direct stress, and healing is strong. Therefore, it’s a good period for strengthening your health and your physical condition. Needless to say, of course, if any problem occur consult your doctor. Also, this is a good fortnight for cleansing your house and for throwing away what you don’t need. Similarly, it’s a helpful period for cleansing your emotional garbage and, also, any spiritual and magical blockages. Your magical and spiritual abilities are quite capable, too.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic, although it’s quite strong during this fortnight, it can be quite difficult to handle. Make sure you know what you are doing. Meditative techniques, visualisation and mantra chanting, on the other hand, are pretty strong and they can produces quite good results.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and this waning Moon period!

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