Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Astrology - Daily Predictions
Astrology - Daily Predictions

Astrology Today: We still are in a magical period. This is the last day of this period when psychic and magical powers and talents are so strong and active. From tomorrow on this tread will start declining. Early in the day it may seem this way today too. Our intuition and visualising types of prophecy and magic don’t seem to work properly. Later on the day this cloud is dispelled and they will be even more powerful than they were until yesterday. If you haven’t make any use of them, now is a good time to do so.

The other realms are still close at hand – not early in the day, but after noon – and is a good opportunity to deal with them now.

Virgo, Leo and then the zodiacs of Earth and Fire will be the luckiest. The zodiacs of Earth will also enjoy the strongest psychic powers. Pisces and then the zodiacs of Water will be the ones needing more attention, and also the ones who’s psychic powers will be clouded the most early in the day.

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Still a work oriented day for the greatest part of it. Your intuition and magic will be strong in this subject too, after the early hours of the day. Health and especially psychological health may need some care and attention. Be extra cautious with your interactions with spirits.


You want love and happiness. These two are in your mind all day long. But while longing for them you tend to remember all the problems and the reasons why you think you can’t have them. Most of them related to previous break ups as well as the opinion of people around you. Later in the day you decide to turn inside and search your own truth. This is the wise thing to do and it may be more revealing than you expected it to be today.


A mostly pleasant day. You are tumbled a little with your career and social status, but don’t do that early in the day. Later on your mind will be more clear and things will seem more as they are than as you fear. Spirit world and communication will be easy on the evening and night, and your magic will be great.


A pleasant day if you spend it with friends, siblings or sibling figures. They may provoke your opinion of the world and life, but other than that it will be pleasant. If you choose to dedicate it to your spouse or business and business partners, then it will be more stressful. Try to avoid travelling today, if this is possible. Especially over water.


You may feel a little dissatisfied or disappointed from your sex life today, but this is caused either by your unrealistic expectations today or by your overwhelming engagement with work and money related subjects. Try to balance your schedule and make time for everything you want to enjoy.


If you are in a relationship for long time now you are faced with the problems it has, but you tend to overestimate them. On the other hand, new relationships will be a source of joy. You feel strong, motivated and lucky and your magic, especially for love and happiness is very strong.


The other realms are still potent and it is easy for you to cross their borders. Do take extra safety measures, if you engage with something of the kind before evening. Work stresses you but your home calms you.


A few problems of any kind may come your way today. Love life is not immune to this. But try to end the day amongst friends, and, why not, in a party of some kind. It will make things better and you may be unexpectedly lucky.


Your family and home stress you today even during working hours, and in most of the cases for no good reason. Your work, though, and your financial aspects of life give you some satisfaction. Unexpected good thing can happen in these areas. The day favours money, work and career related magic for you.


Slow your pace. Enjoy your morning coffee and breakfast without haste. This is a good and powerful day but you need to take things slowly to make the most of it. Especially during the early hours of the day. Meditation is very helpful too.


Heritages and debts play some role today in your life. How unpleasant depends on many things, including how well prepared you are. On the other hand your sex-appeal raises and your psychic abilities are also in good shape, almost all day long.


Balancing your life is not easy for you. You stress over it, of course, but you worry more than you should be. Balancing your inner self and expressing yourself instead of your ego will solve most of the problems you have today.

Astrology and Magic:

Whatever has to do with the other realms is favoured most. Protective and money spells are also strong.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day.

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