Which Chalice would you drink from?

Chalice is the sacred union of Male and Female that brings life into the World. Which one will you choose? It will help you know more about your magic!

choose a chalice

The Chalice is essentially a goblet which acts as a vessel for liquids used in magical rituals. It is associated with the element of Water and the Divine Feminine. Surely surrounded by many stories, the Magic Cup is one of the magical tools all witches should have.

It is believed to be the Womb of the Great Mother, the sacred vessel which holds the primordial waters. Ancient Egyptians in their cosmogony, described the oceanic abyss of the goddess Nun as a vessel which holds the primordial waters where all life came from and represents one of their greatest mysteries. Read all about the Magic Cup here! 

Which Chalice would you drink from?

The magic Cup also has been described as the human body, the vessel which holds all liquids that keeps us alive. In both old pagan and modern rituals, the Sacred Tools were and are being used in the enactment of the Great Rite. It is the sacred union of Male and Female that brings life into the World. The chalice of course represents the Divine Vulva.

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As an archetype of our human body and the liquid that fills the chalice is our divine essence, our spirit. Therefore, each chalice can symbolise our fate and destiny. Special spirits will enter special chalices.

Choose wisely. Let your spirit choose a chalice. If you let yourself free then you will know so much more about your magic and where are you good at. Let us know the results!

Pick it and then see what magic is more suitable to you! Read more about it – CLICK here! 

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no1. the Chalice of the Healer

Embellished with turquoise this is the chalice that brings forward the gift of healing to all those who drink from it. The snakes that intertwine bestow the bearer with the amazing power to know the secrets of poisons and cures of all sorts.

If you have chosen this Chalice you need to look closer into all the healing arts as you are naturally inclined to them and you will flourish by healing the ones in need. Why don’t you try to apply these power by sending energy healing balls to the past, present, future and to any situation you want? Learn how here. Read More about what your type of Magic based on your Zodiac Sign here!

no2. the Chalice of the Ceremonial Witch/Wizard

Even the most complicated spell can be understood by you. You have chosen the Egyptian Chalice decorated with hieroglyphs. Your powers manifest from bringing Order to Chaos and you have a disciplined mind.

You will flourish if you start practising the formidable art of ceremonial magic and even the most complicated ritual will be able to unlock its secrets to you.  Read More about what your type of Magic based on your Zodiac Sign here!

no3. the Chalice of the Theurgist

You have drank from the Chalice that brings the bearer closer to God. The Three aspects of the Divine Unite in one and the holder gains clarity in understanding their Sacred role. Connect with these aspects as all three of the them are equally powerful and can help us so much. Learn more about Triquetra! 

You should practice evocation of the Gods and learn how to become whole again, reaching perfection and Union between the Human and the Divine.  Read More about what your type of Magic based on your Zodiac Sign here!

no4. the Chalice of the Elementalist

Decorated with the colours and symbols of the four elements, this Cup gives its bearer the power to understand and be one with the Elements.

Start by looking into the element you feel closer to and deepen your connection with them, I am sure that you will be able to unlock bigger mysteries than you ever imagined. You can try to attune with the magic of each element. How? Here is a simple guide for it and how to connect with each element in a very simple and effective way.   Read More about what your type of Magic based on your Zodiac Sign here!

no5. the Chalice of the Medium

The drinker of this humble Chalice is bestowed with the gift of Mediumship. You are able to perceive more that meets the eye and definitely you know that you can see the unseen.

Acting as a bridge between the World of Spirits and Men, you can bring messages and unite both sides. Start practising what you always knew was your gift. Read More about what your type of Magic based on your Zodiac Sign here!

no6. the Chalice of the Natural Witch

The drinker of this Chalice is bestowed with the power to connect with Nature and perform Miracles. The double helix shows your connection with Mother Earth and clarifies the meaning as above so below to you. We are connected with Her always – for as long as we breathe. This is why we should cleanse this bond and empower it.

Spend more time in Nature and invoking the sacred powers that reside there. Use magic to ground yourself and connect it with the entire planet. I am sure you will deepen your connection and be able to understand what remains a secret to the rest of us. Read More about what your type of Magic based on your Zodiac Sign here!

Tell us the results. What did you Pick? Let your Magic Powers be Revealed! 

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