Choose a Key, read the Meaning!

choose a key

The keys are very old tools of magic. In fact, a key can be used for both divination and ritual purposes.

Key in Magic

It symbolises the power of the Witch/Mage to change reality and open the doors of the other realms. Usually an old key is used by a Witch/Mage to travel through realms and seek the guidance of higher and wiser entities. The Keys, can also be used later to summon these spirits without much effort.

Moreover, the keys are used in Love and Success spells in the same way. The Spell caster opens the gates of Love and/or success with his/her magic tool. Later, the key is used as a charm for success and love. (Of course we will give you the spells!)

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One of the oldest forms of divination require a key and a book. The Witch/Mage asks for the spirits to move the book clockwise or counter-clockwise whether the answer is yes or no. Of course we will give you details for this spell too!

Now. Lets focus on our Test. Each key represents us, and our magical capability. What atoms of magic are we made of? Choose the key that attracts you the most

1.The Key of the Triple Goddess 

This is the tool of the Triple Goddess, to give balance to nature and the world. This is the triquetra. The Triquetra symbolises the three aspects of the Divine, the maiden, the mother and the crone – Goddess or chosen one, fighter, father  – God. 

If you have picked this, then you are born to create miracles. The Triquetra is circled by the crown of Apollo, God of Light and all Blessings. Good Luck is by your side. You are only one step away from success. Tap into your magical powers – Cast the Power Awakening spell of Triquetra, the one that has given Magical Powers to so many people.

A valid advice would be to learn how to balance your own diverse aspects. Look at the tip of the key. Look how complex it is. You need to find balance. Grounding your energies can be extremely helpful.

2. The Key of Eros

All you need is Love. This is the most powerful affirmation. This is the key of Eros, God of Love. Love opens all gates, love conquers all, love is the perfect medicine for all kinds of diseases. This is what you need to understand or remember. With Love by your side you will be able to open the gates of Success. You’ve been hurt by love and this heavy burden slows your path. Get rid of it. Forgive yourself and others.

Your heart is truly romantic, longing for the one true love that can make you invincible. This special someone though is really close. The only thing you have to do is open yourself to Love. Clear your Heart Chakra – see here how to do it + diagnose any possible problems. 

Now that you’ve cleared the path, time to cast the PERFECT Love Spell. Send a clear message to the universe. If you are already married used the power of Love to rejuvenate your marriage.

3. The Key of Aphrodite

This the key of Aphrodite, goddess of Beauty, love and peace. The Dove flying is a symbol of peace and freedom. You long for harmony, beauty and peace. You’ve been through so much in the past but now is the time to break free.

Use this key to let past go. What hurt you should now be left. The past can no longer affect your future. You can cast the “Burn my troubles away” signalling your new fate. The one were your are free as this Dove. 

You truly believe that life should be simple. The tip of it is the most simple one. You need time off from details and tough schedules. Try to find some quality time for yourself. Choose activities and people who simplify your life. The Alchemists believe that the Universe is so simple that all its magic can be written in a small emerald pad. You don’t need complex thinking to succeed. Trust your guts.

4. The Druid Key

This is the key of the Druids. It is decorated with the Celtic Knot, a symbol that all life and spirits are interconnected. What you need to understand is that you are never alone. You are always “online” with the universe, connected with everything that lives or not. Yet, you are free soul and you should be independent. Therefore you should cut off from toxic relationships. See here if you are a victim of Vampiric Relationships. 

Go out to the woods and ground yourself. Find the balance in the green forest and trust all parts of life. We are moved by energy currents. Although the energy might move us all the time, we should find our sacred inner center – just like the Wise Ones did for ages. 

You may feel lost but do not forger that we are never lost as when we are heading towards the Light. Meditation can help you too providing insight for the wonder we call living.

5. The Royal Key

This the key of the most ambitious ones. If you’ve picked this then you probably aim high. Remember that life is a game and a wonderful journey. The destination matters but so does the trip – if not more.

Keep on aiming high but always remember to laugh, have much fun and take things more lightly. It is important to maintain balance between the things you want to achieve and the small things which make you happy everyday. Do not neglect yourself trying to reach your goals. You will be happy only if you are true to yourself. If problems persist, try the Road Opener spell, to remove obstacles on your path.

The Royal Key is the most complex one – look at the tip! You probably believe that you have to try very hard in order to succeed – or work more to live comfortably. But human beings are not that complex. All we need is love. Try to find simple solutions. The simpler, the better!

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