5 Signs When Your Third Eye Opens Accidentally

5 Signs When Your Third Eye Opens Accidentally

The Third Eye, is a mystical invisible eye which provides Sight beyond sight. It is a mystical eye which actually correlates to an important and powerful Energy centre located in the forehead according to most scholars. For most it is placed between the eyebrows and an inch higher. But what happens when the third Eye Opens? 

The Third Eye

For some occultists it is located inside the skull and has the shape of an egg. The concept of the Cosmic Egg, from where All creation sprung, is actually a metaphor for our 3rd Eye, which when activated, can create – or transfer us – to a whole new world. 

It is called Ajna and it is believed to be our Soul’s Gate. When activated it leads to higher perception of other realms. It gives a sense of cosmic Awareness and it brings forth knowledge and wisdom without material means. It is believed that when the Third Eye is activated, we can transfer telepathic messages, see spirits and ghosts or even receive prophetic messages and visions from the above. This is why, people with activated 3rd Chakra are also called the ‘Seers’. It is clearly one of Witches’ favourite chakra as it helps is all magical and spiritual activities. 

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According to H.P. Blavatsky and her occult school ‘Theosophy‘ which shaped the future of European Occultism, the Third Eye is actually related to the pineal gland (see more about the Eye of Horus and the Pineal Gland). Allegedly human raced had an actual Third eye with legendary functions and abilities. This third Eye atrophied because of the desecration and decay of our divine origin. Over time, the third eye diminished and shrunk, thus became the Pineal Gland. However, we can actually grow it back into a third Eye if we manage to follow certain rules and exercises. For this, though, you have to wait a little bit.

When the Third Eye Opens

To answer the question we have to deepen our knowledge about the 3rd Eye. There are many misconceptions about it which make us feel ashamed. Frankly, enough have been said about something so important, that have actually blurred what is true. Let’s make things clear. 

  • It’s completely different if the Third Eye opens automatically. The ‘Symptoms’ that may have been appeared in these cases can cause many problems and should be avoided. See here about the Article on ‘Surviving the Awakening’. 
  • There are many ‘good’ and ‘creative’ ways to open your third eye chakra. In future articles we will guide you into how to ‘open’ you third eye – without drama. 
  • If you already practice Qi-Qong or meditation (Raja Yoga) you have probably opened it already. 

Third Eye – Balance Check 

As seen in our detailed articles on Chakra balance, when Third Eye is troubled ‘Physical imbalances are manifested as issues with your sight, headaches and it can also affect hearing and smell. At an emotional level, a blocked Third Eye chakra can create illusions about ones life, extreme daydreaming with no sense of grounding, volatility and ignorance towards our intuition.

5 Signs / Symptoms, When the Third Eye Opens Accidentally

  • 1.You ‘See’ the Colours and the Light of the Day in a completely different way. The third eye, is actually called an ‘eye’ for a reason. When activated, all senses are modified as now the predominant sense, is the 6th sense provided by the Third Eye. Colours may seem brighter. You may catch weird smells. Moreover, you can feel or hear things that actually do not exist. This almost psychotic experience is common to the ones who have accidentally activated their 3rd eye. See more here about these weird senses. 
  • 2.Dreams are Vivid, Weird and affect your Sleep. It’s true. This is actually the most common trap, when the third eye opens accidentally. Your increased perception, ‘catches’ visions and telepathic messages from beyond. The easiest way to ‘perceive’ them is via your dreams. Hence, your Dream World becomes a battlefield of weird emotions and images. When this becomes more intense, the individual will probably seek medication for better sleep, forcing the third eye back to atrophy. 
  • 3.Headaches and Weird Feeling of Heaviness. This is caused by the imbalance of your chakras. When the third eye opens accidentally, probably no balance have been achieved in your chakras. No proper cleansing either. Hence, all these ‘energy’ troubles will start to manifest. A non greased wheel cannot roll properly. If we apply more pressure to this un-greased wheel, then problems might appear. The exact same thing can happen to our chakras – also known as energy wheels. It goes without saying, that you should always consult with your medical doctor when headaches appear. 
  • 4.Reality doesn’t Feel so Real anymore. When the Third Eye opens accidentally, you may feel detached from the real world. You may have this weird feeling like you are living in a dream, like everything is a lie and nothing matters anymore. This is caused because the third eye connects you with other Realms, forcing you to perceive the existence of so much more than the material world. 
  • 5.Relationship Dynamics Change Rapidly. This happens because when your third eye is activated can see and feel more even in relationships. What you thought was true, may now seem lame and false. An activated third can find out the truth faster than the speed of light. If you are not ready for this information overflow, you may not be able to handle it and break many relationships up.

Do you have these symptoms? Tell us here!

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