Daily Predictions for Saturday 17 November 2018

Daily Predictions for Saturday 17 November 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Pisces squares the Retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius. It also conjuncts the Retrograde Neptune in Pisces and forms a hexagon with Pluto in Capricorn.

You may have noticed, but let’s say it anyway. Early today Mercury turned into retrograde motion and it will remain retrograde until the 6th of December.

So, this is going to be a not so bad day. It’s mostly a continuation of yesterday, astrologically speaking, for the exact same houses are affected. The inauspicious aspects are a little heavier, and the auspicious ones a little lighter, though.

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Capricorn and probably Pisces and Scorpio will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Sagittarius and probably Libra will be the ones facing the most stress.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

I said today is mostly a continuation of yesterday, but for you, there is an important change. All travelling, including astral projection can become difficult and stressful. Actually, where this is possible, avoid them.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Travelling for business remains as auspicious as it can be under the influences of the Retrograde Mercury. Also, smartphones, the internet and other high-tech ways of communication can cause you some stress.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Career and business matters still receive beneficial influences. Those of you who were searching for a particular job, today you may find it. On the other hand, bosses and business partners can become quite difficult to deal with.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Work can become a bit too tiresome. Especially so if it’s one that makes use of your mind, mostly. Also, those working in transportations should be extra careful.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Be very careful to avoid misunderstandings with your special someone, or a potential special someone. Friends, in some cases, can play a similar role.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Although love life is still good, today, there may be some miscommunication with your other half. Try to avoid this, or to deal with it as calmly and positively as possible. Family and especially parents can become stressful.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Work can become more tiresome than necessary. Try to avoid misunderstandings there. Also, health can be a bit sensitive, especially so the legs, and the respiratory system.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

Overall this is a pleasant day for you. Money, though, and money deals and handling can need your full attention. Also, this isn’t an auspicious day for purchasing products and services of beauty.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Your self esteem and self confidence are not in their best condition today. This can make little and, in many cases, innocent comments to sound offensive, or otherwise hurt you more than they should. Therefore, supporting yourself can help you a lot.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Intuition is not very reliable for you. Also, you are a bit too sensitive to what people say to you and about you. Try to control that. Other than that, this one is, too, a productive day, overall.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

This isn’t an auspicious day for buying smartphones, computers and the like. Such equipment you already posses can act a bit irregular, too. Also, try to avoid scams. Other than those, though, this is a mostly good day regarding money.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

This is a mostly good day for work matters. Difficulties can occur even where you least expect them, but nonetheless, it’s a mostly good day. Applying for a new job, though, as well as starting your own business, are not very auspicious.

Astrology and Magic:

Philtres, potions, perfumes and charms are very promising practises.

That’s all. Have fun, enjoy your day!

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