Predictions for the New Moon/Black Moon in Leo – 31 July/01 August 2019

Rare Black Moon - New Moon in Capricorn: December 30 2024. We reset time!

General Predictions for the New Moon in Leo:

On August the 1st, at 03:12 UT, the Moon meets the Sun, in Leo, forming the New Moon. Because of the actual time the New Moon occurs, the American continent will receive it on the 31st of July, making it a Black Moon, while the rest continents will have a Black Moon on the 30th of August.

Under the direct influences of the New Moon, the Retrograde Chiron, the almost stationary Uranus, Venus and Jupiter are directly affected. Other than Uranus, the rest in a beneficial manner. Furthermore, Venus interacts beneficially for most of the waxing moon period with Chiron and Jupiter and stressfully with Uranus. So, these three planets and the fields of life they affect for each of us, will be under this New Moon’s focus.

The Sun also affects all the three planets. Venus, Jupiter and Chiron in a beneficial way, while it stresses Uranus. This is mostly good news. The two Lucky Stars – Jupiter and the Sun – in a harmonious cooperation is always a good thing. And Mars still supporting Jupiter can make things happen more quickly, despite the retrograde motion of Jupiter. From the 4th onwards, Mars and Venus will also be in conjunction, which will make things even better. The accurate conjunction, though, will happen during the waning Moon.

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The other important thing that this New Moon brings is the end of the influences of the Ecliptic period. Furthermore, Mercury turns back into direct motion the very day of the New Moon, less than an hour after the precise Sun-Moon conjunction. It will also be returning back into Leo on the 11th of the month, a few days before the Full Moon. Also, on the same day, Jupiter is turning back into direct motion, and almost half a day later Uranus is turning into retrograde motion.

Pluto, is still very active. Mostly beneficially, now. Nonetheless, that means that our emotional health and well being may be challenged and needs some extra care on our part. But, it also means that healing deep wounds is possible. Also, magic and especially perfumes, oils, philtres, potions and talismans can be very strong and effective.

So, overall this is a much better New Moon and waxing Moon period. Mostly auspicious, too. The retrograde activity decreases a little, but remains strong, but nonetheless, this is a good thing. Also, there is a “Great” Triangle on the zodiacs of Fire acting. It’s not literally what we call a Great Triangle, as Chiron is one of the planets forming it, but it’s as close as it can get to it. Nevertheless, this triangle brings much good luck. Especially to the zodiacs of Fire, of course, but the rest of us will also feel its blessings.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

This is quite a beneficial New Moon and waxing Moon period for you. It can bring some important karmic events in your life, too. Spells and visualisations you’ve done in the past, and maybe you’ve thought they failed, can manifest now. Furthermore, pleasure and joy is trying to find a way in your daily life. Love seems much luckier and much more pleasant, too. Singles can meet some potential parters.

Money, though and financial matters can cause some stress. Some things are changing in unpredicted ways, or in ways you don’t want them to change. Thinking twice about your expenses can help, but keeping an overall flexible financial strategy will help you even more.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Although things are changing for the better, your inner demons can become much more lively, during this period. Whatever you haven’t healed is coming back to haunt you. The good news is, there are strong healing energies affecting such matters, too. Therefore, try to heal as much of these as possible during this, rather auspicious, New Moon and waxing Moon period. Your magic and your healing powers are quite strong, too, for every matter, so you can use them for this matter, too.

Other than that, this period is mostly calm and satisfactorily. Small, careful steps can bring you good results. Also, visualisations and dreams of the past can manifest, or you may find a way to start manifesting them.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

Social life becomes much more active under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. And mostly in a pleasant way, too. Misunderstandings and miscommunications, for you, are still possible, despite that Mercury turns back into direct motion. Also, problems in your personal relationships may become a bit more vivid, but, this happens to clear up the scenery and heal the problems.

Work also becomes more productive. Trade, especially, as well as jobs based on transportations and communications, will enjoy this influence even more. Meeting new people, finding new friend, new jobs, new partners, etc is quite possible. In many cases, luck will bring you such opportunities on its own. Nonetheless, do your best to support your luck.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Work, career and money matters seem to be your top priority during this period. Progress there is happening, too. Money can become a bit stressful. Especially if you let your expenses to get out of your control. In most cases, though, there is more stress than necessary. So, calming down and looking things more objectively can help you a lot. Your high-tech equipment can also cause you some unsettlement.

Most of the focus on work, career and money, though is happening for a good reason. Finding a better job is possible. Raising your income, too. It’s also a good period for expanding your business. Finally, there is some energy flowing in your health. For the most of it, this is a good thing. Just make sure you don’t overestimate your strengths.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

There is some stress regarding work and career matters raising during this period. The New Moon and the waxing Moon period can bring you face to face with your fears and insecurities on the subject, but they also provide you with enough help to overcome them. You may need to be more flexible and adjustable, though.

Other than that, the period is mostly pleasant and happy for you. Love life receives much help, too. Those seeking a new relationship can meet some (in some cases many) interesting people. Also, studies and all works of the mind, as well as travelling receive much support.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Studies and similar occupations and avocations can become quite stressful, today. Authors, teachers, and all who do an intellectual job can experience this influence, too. In most cases, the stress is greater than the circumstances call for, tough. Furthermore your inner fears and insecurities can come to light.

In the same time there is a very strong power coming from within, to support you. Use this power and you’ll overcome any possible problem. Moreover, you can achieve significant success. Your magical and spiritual powers are also strong, so use them, too. Home and family can be much more pleasant. It’s also a good period to find a new home, or to move in to one.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

There is some stress regarding work, during this period. It’s not so much that things are not going well. Rather that it feels like you have to do too much work for little (or less than you’d expect) reward. Jobs based on the internet and technology can be affected a bit more intensively by this influence. But work is productive, nonetheless. And, also, colleagues, partners and the like are mostly cooperative. They may give you some difficulties at times, they may annoy you at other times, but overall, they are helping and supporting you.

Your social life and all forms of it, receive mostly beneficial influences. Jobs that make use of social skills and connections will be easier and more successful, too. Also, it’s a good period to reconnect with people you lost contact with and connect with new people. Searching for schools or other methods of acquiring more knowledge also receives help.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

There may be some tension and some occasional problems with your business partners and your bosses, but, overall all work, career and money matters receive much support from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. It’s a good period for establishing a new business. Nonetheless, don’t make haste to do that. The retrograde activity is still strong and demands second thoughts. After the 11th, when Jupiter will be in direct motion, things will be much easier.

The law can stress you, too, during this period. It’s better not to challenge it. Also, it’s not a very good period for finding new business partners. If you need to, be extra careful and extra thorough. Also, those whose career depends on the opinion of the people should be extra mindful of what they are doing and saying.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Work can be a little stressful, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, but, probably, more in order that it was until now. Progress is happening, but some focus on details, avoiding mistakes and the flexibility of your strategies may be helpful. Health also is a bit sensitive and resting well can be what you need.

Other then than those, though, things are mostly good and the period is mostly pleasant, for all matters. Singles may encounter a karmic love, or they may realise what they really should be searching for. Travelling is mostly auspicious and advancing in your projects and goals is quite feasible.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Love life needs some care and attention, during this period, for those in a relationship. Those seeking one will probably encounter some difficulties in achieving their objective. Some adjustments in your tactics, or target groups may help you find a more suitable lover more easily. Furthermore, money, and especially the spending of it, needs some attention and wisdom.

Nonetheless, money isn’t really bad. In fact, your income is steady, or gets better. Also, your magical and spiritual powers are quite strong. Therefore, you can use them to support your finances. Work related decisions receive auspicious energies, and those you’ve already made are likely to find a way to start becoming a reality.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Family can cause you some stress, during this period. Your other half, too. Also, there may be some issues in the home. Especially if you have some legal matters regarding it. A calm and careful dealing with all these can make your life much easier and can help you avoid making things worse than they need to be.

On the other hand, work progress nicely. Social life receives very good influences. Finding new people is possible. Raising your audience on social media, even more so. Also, love – despite the possible stress – seems to be mostly good.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Health can be a little sensitive under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Overtiring yourself is possible, as well as some accidents. In most cases, nothing major, but do pay as much attention as possible whenever driving or engaging with dangerous activities. Also, trade receives some stressful influences.

Other than that, though, all work matters receive beneficial influences. Money to receives some help. Although this may not be too obvious, always, building a more stable and better financial future is possible. Finding a new job, achieving a promotion, expanding your business and similar events can take place, too.

Astrology and Magic:

Inner healing, healing of the past and all forms of good luck, prosperity, love and fame spells are strong. Potions, philtres, perfumes, charms and the like are also very strong.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period!

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