Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Capricorn – 05 July 2020

Daily Predictions Astrology

General Predictions for the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn:

On the 5th of July, at 04:45 UT the Moon from Capricorn opposes the Sun, in Cancer, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon is also a partial Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. As we’ve said before, all four Lunar Eclipses of 2020 are partial penumbral ones. This Lunar Eclipse will be the smallest, too, regarding the extent of lunar surface the penumbra will cover, so it will be practically unnoticeable in the eye. Regardless, though, it will affect us strongly.

This Lunar Eclipse, although none too strongly, stresses many planets. The Retrograde Pluto marginally, Mars and the Retrograde Jupiter weakly, the Retrograde Mercury and the Retrograde Neptune moderately, Uranus and Chiron strongly. Therefore, as you might have guessed, it might not be the most challenging Eclipse, but it won’t be an easy one either.

Furthermore, during the Lunar Eclipse five of the major planes will be in retrograde motion: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Neptune. It’s true that during the waning Moon period Mercury is turning back into direct motion on the 12th, but Chiron will have turned retrograde half a day before then, so, even after the 12th five planets will be in retrograde motion, for the whole waning Moon period. Furthermore, no planet, not even the Sun, changes its zodiac during the whole waning Moon period. This is the slowest-paced period of this Ecliptic Period. The stars demand us to slow down our pace even more than they have done until now. They also demand we think carefully and thoroughly – more so than until now – each and every decision and action.

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And then, there is the Lunar Eclipse that demands our immediate action. As we’ve said again for the previous two Eclipses, this is the recipe for stress and tension. Therefore, this is one more omen this Eclipse won’t be an easy one. Make sure you won’t take on more responsibilities than you can manage and try to relax your schedule as much as possible.

An Ecliptic period, and a Retrograde Mercury on top of it, is never a good period for buying computers, smartphones, and other high-tech gadgets. This Eclipse is no different. In fact, as it stresses both Mercury and Uranus, such actions should be avoided even more “definitely”, although they might become necessary, especially for some zodiacs. But, if they are not necessary, then do avoid them. From the 13th of the month, though, and until the 30th of July there is a very good period for purchasing computers, smartphones and the like, as both Uranus and Mercury will be in direct motion and in an auspicious aspect. Between the 16th and the 24th, even more so.

The inauspicious influences of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse:

The Retrograde Mercury’s and Mars’ square is very strong through the waning Moon period, and almost perfect during the Lunar Eclipse. Remember that both planets are stressed by the Eclipse, too, so some extra attention is necessary. This square will be active from the 1st of July and until the 5th of August and it will become perfect twice. Once during this waning Moon, on the 8th of July, and once during the coming waxing Moon, on the 27th of July. It can produce, or magnify, problems in our communications and means of communication. Travelling, transportations and means of transportation, also can be affected. Furthermore, our rational thinking is clouded.

The Sun, from Cancer, opposes the Retrograde Jupiter. Accurately so on the 14th, but this aspect will be active from the 5th of July and until the 23rd. During this period, depending on good luck is not advisable. Financial and career matters, too, need some extra effort and they might cause us some extra stress.

The Sun also opposes the Retrograde Pluto. Accurately so on the 15th. This aspect will be active from the 6th and until the 26th. This, amongst else, can make magic a bit more challenging. In most cases, though, it’s our ability to find time and energy to cast our spells that is affected, rather than the spells’ power. Our mood and emotional condition are also challenged. Those with active psychological conditions, and those with a history of such condition should be extra careful. Consciously keeping a positive outlook can be very helpful.

The Sun also opposes the Retrograde Saturn. Accurately so on the day of the New Moon, on the 20th. This aspect will be active from the 12th and until the 30th of the month. This will reduce good luck’s activity even more so, and will bring some more difficulties on the matters this aspect affects for each zodiac.

From the 14th onwards and until the 8th of August Venus will be in a square with Neptune. This square will be accurate on the 27th. Therefore it will affect the second half of this waning Moon and the whole coming waxing Moon period. Our emotional life receives some stress under this aspect. Love life, friendships and even family relationships can be affected. Our emotions can cloud our rational thinking and they are not always objective, to start with.

The auspicious influences of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse:

The extra long lasting hexagon between Mercury and Uranus, which has started acting since the 28th of May, is still active and will remain active until the 30th of July. During the Eclipse is quite strong and it will become accurate for the third time on the 22nd of the month. As we’ve said in previous articles, this is one of our most valuable ally, during this challenging period. It helps us adjust to the changes that are happening, it supports us to achieve the changes we want to achieve and it helps our communications, which are quite stressed, otherwise. It’s also the reason that, once Mercury turns back into direct motion, and especially between the 16th and 24th, we have a good period for purchasing high-tech equipment and gadgets.

It also supports everything that has to do with the internet. Signing contracts for internet services, building and promoting web pages, social media, etc, online advertisement, and, in general, whatever has to do with the internet receives support. All kinds of online businesses, too, and foremost, online trade.

Jupiter’s and Pluto’s conjunction is still extra strong and will remain extra strong for the whole waxing Moon period. On top of that, their conjunction with Saturn now regains some more of its power. Therefore, magic is extra strong. As we mentioned earlier, the procedure spell casting might be difficult, but our spells are strong.

Jupiter’s hexagon with Neptune also is extra strong during this period. This also is a year-long aspect, but right now it’s closing in to becoming accurate again. It will become so on the 27th of the month, after the New Moon, but it will be affecting us strongly now. This aspect can help us with our emotional affairs. Healing our psych and our relationships (of any kind, other than purely professional ones), self-help, self-development and the like, as well as magic receive a boosting.

The Sun’s hexagon with Uranus is still active and it will remain so until the 12th of July. Although this aspect loses power by the day, it is still strong during the Eclipse and promises that we can turn every change that is happening to a beneficial one. Uranus, as we’ve said in the general section, is strongly affected by the Lunar Eclipse. As both the ecliptic planets interact beneficially with Uranus, once again, we might find the changes stressful while they are happening, but they’ll be beneficial on the long run.

Overviewing the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, in Capricorn:

This is the last Eclipse of the Ecliptic period so, although it’s a strong and stressful one, things will start getting better, significantly so, after the 12th of the month, the day of the 3rd Quarter of the Moon. Even more so, as Mercury will be turning direct that very day. The Eclipse will stop affecting us on the 20th of the month, though, the day of the New Moon.

So, be patient, rest well, relax your schedule as much as possible, be extra careful when driving and travelling, avoid unnecessary trips, too, and be very careful and clear with your communications and things will be easier. Backing up important files is also a good precaution.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Aries:

Home, family and career receive stressful energies from this Lunar Eclipse. Furthermore, the two of them tend to stress each other and fight each other, right now, so things can become quite difficult. Finding a good balance and managing to properly take care of both these areas of your life AND yourself can be very challenging, but it’s what you need the most.

Health seems rather stressed by the Eclipse, so prioritise on keeping yourself in good health. Some of health related habits (possibly including prescriptions) might need some change. It would be wise to make these changes from the 13th onwards, whenever this is possible. Other than that, resting and relaxing, as much as possible, and keeping a healthy diet is what you should be doing. Pay attention to your emotional health, too, as it’s equally important. It can also be the key for a good physical health, too.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Taurus:

Communications and all means of those, tablets, computers and the like, as well as vehicles receive some stressful influences from this Lunar Eclipse. This is a general phenomenon for this Lunar Eclipse, but it will be truer for you. If possible, postpone repairs and substitution of those until the 13th. Studies, too, receive some stress and schools, or other places of learning, as well as teachers, including spiritual ones, can be in a sort of chaos.

Finances receive some stress, but in most cases, a minor one. Problems in your financial policies might become more obvious. If so, correct them. Otherwise, just be prudent and things will be relatively easy. Friends, siblings and relatives of the same generation can still stress you with problems they are facing.


Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Gemini:

This Lunar Eclipse also stresses your finances. Probably more so than the previous Solar Eclipse. Your other half’s finances, too, receive some stress which can make things even more difficult. Even more so as love life is stressed by the Lunar Eclipse, as well. If you are in a marriage or a relationship make sure you are as calm as possible and don’t add oil to the fire. Sexual life can also be affected, of course. If you keep parallel relationships, be even more careful. Exes and people reminding you of them can appear, or play a role in your life, too. In most cases a more stressful than joyful one.

High-tech equipment receive stress from this Lunar Eclipse for all zodiacs, as we’ve seen in the general section, and Gemini is one of the zodiacs that will experience this more clearly. Back up your important files, and, if possible, avoid repairs and replacement of such equipment until after the 13th.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Cancer:

Finances might receive some more stress from this Lunar Eclipse, just like they did during the previous Solar Eclipse. Just like then, though, no serious troubles should be expected. There might be some extra difficulties in earning money, but earning itself is not lesser. If anything, your income is more possible to increase. At least, in the long-term. Work and career matters, too, receive some stress and things in work can become erratic. Job changes are also possible.

Health needs some extra attention. Pay it! In some cases, problems you neglect now can follow you until the next Ecliptic period, or even after then. Love life, too, receives some stress. Your other half might be facing some problems and this might make things between the two of you more intense. If you’ve dealt with the issues the previous Eclipses brought up to your attention, though, things are easier now.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Leo:

Work is stressed by this Lunar Eclipse and changes can happen in the work environment. This can also mean a new job, or a new position wherever you are working. In most cases these changes are more stressful than bad. In fact, in the long term they are beneficial changes. Health, too, receives some stress from the Eclipse and better care of it is advisable. Changes of doctors, or treatments are possible, too. Nonetheless, both work and health receive mostly beneficial influences, therefore things are not bad. After the 12th you might actually start seeing a significant improvement.

Finances receive some stress, too. Computers, smartphones and other high-tech equipment can malfunction or act oddly. This is a general phenomenon of this Eclipse but it can be more intense for you. If possible arrange repairs and replacements of such equipment from the 13th onwards.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Virgo:

This Lunar Eclipse, as we’ve said in the general section, affects computers, smartphones and the like, a lot, but even more so for some zodiacs. Virgo is one of those zodiacs. Being extra careful with them and with the internet and backing up your important files is highly advisable. If your equipment needs repairs or replacement, arrange those for after the 13th, if possible.

Finances and work are also stressed by the Eclipse. Things there can become even more intense, but things will start calming down after the 12th, when the Eclipse’s power will have decreased to its half and Mercury will turn back into direct motion. Your spiritual life and your dream life are awakening in an unbalanced way, too, and this can be more stressful than productive, right now. Finally, love life and all sources of joy are getting “examined” more than tested.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Libra:

Health receives some stress from this Lunar Eclipse. More so than from the Solar Eclipse. Hopefully, you’ve done your best to recharge your batteries during the waxing Moon period, as doing that now can be much more challenging. Nonetheless, take it easy, as much as possible. Home, family and your environment can mess up your schedule and consume your time and energy. Prioritising your well-being might sound selfish, but it isn’t. You can’t help those around you if you are not well, after all.

Travelling is never advisable during an Ecliptic period but this is truer for you, under the influences of this Lunar Eclipse. Love life, too, receives some stress. In most cases, though, things are getting more difficult, rather than bad. Also, career and finances receive some stressful energies.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Scorpio:

Travelling receives much stress from this Lunar Eclipse and, as much as possible, you should avoid it. This includes small trips and travelling for work reasons, as well. Of course, if you can’t avoid it, be extra careful and don’t expect much. Vehicles, too can face some problems. They might malfunction, or need repairs and maintenance. Avoid purchasing new vehicles until the New Moon, or, at least, until the 12th. Communication equipment also can have some problems. Similarly, avoid replacements until the 12th, if possible.

Work and finances receive some stress. In most cases, the problem with money will be caused by wrong thinking, so be wise. Job change, or changes in your work, are possible, too. Furthermore, health receives stressful energies from the Lunar Eclipse. Make sure you take good care of it. Studies, too, can become more stressful and chaotic than they already are.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Sagittarius:

This Lunar Eclipse stress your finances strongly. On the good news, your money House has become extra strong and it will remain so until middle December, so, long term finances are good, but, right now many things can go wrong. By wise, thorough and very careful when making a deal, transaction, or whatever involves money. Small, “insignificant” details can be more important than you think. Small letters in contracts, small expenses, and other small mistakes can cause delays and loses, or, at least, a smaller profit.

Love life receives some stress from the Eclipse, too. After the 12th, though, things will be significantly better. Make sure you don’t make them worse until then. Health needs some more care and attention, too. Also, confrontations with death and the dead, as well as other plains can continue happening. Maybe more intensively than during the Solar Eclipse period of effect, too.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Capricorn:

This Lunar Eclipse will continue testing and stressing your love life. If you’ve taken care of all issues the previous two Eclipses brought up, then things now will be calmer. Especially so after the 12th of the month. Otherwise, though, this Eclipse can be more strict than the previous ones. Once again, resting, relaxing and taking good care of yourself and your health are highly advisable. Avoiding stressful and dangerous activities, too. As the planetary senary, too, stresses your health, take it easy at least until after the New Moon, or, preferably, until the Sun enters Leo, on the 22nd.

Work also receives some stress from the Lunar Eclipse and your finances, too. Being calm and prudent and avoiding risky and impulsive decisions can be of great help. In most cases, things are more stressful than bad, actually, regarding these subjects, so just make sure you avoid mistakes.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Aquarius:

As the ruler of your zodiac is affected by this Lunar Eclipse, the Eclipse can stress practically every aspect of your life. Life changing experience might happen, too. In most cases, although this can stress you a lot, it will be a beneficial change. Love life, spirituality, work and health, though, are probably the fields of your life which will experience the effects of this Lunar Eclipse more strongly.

Heath needs attention, and it might stress you a bit, under the influence of the Eclipse, but it’s mostly good and as the influences of the Eclipse lose power things are getting better. Of course, do take proper care of your health, but, if you can postpone surgeries and similar procedures, do so. Work also can be stressful and chaotic, but it’s getting better on the long-term. Spirituality can be somewhat uncontrollable, but advancement there can happen. Love life, on the other hand, needs a more careful approach. If you avoid the traps of the Eclipse, things will be easier afterwards, but if you mess things up they might remain messed up even after this period.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Predictions for Pisces:

Computers, smartphones and high-tech equipment, in general, receive much stress from this Lunar Eclipse. This phenomenon affect all zodiacs, but some, including yours, even more so. Avoid purchasing such equipment until at least the 13th, if you can. After then, there is a very good period for such purchases.

Love also is stressed significantly by the Lunar Eclipse. Problems in your current relationship can become more apparent. As a general rule, healthy relationships with strong foundation will end up stronger and healthier, but if yours lacks these qualities it might end. Work, career and finances also receive stress from this Lunar Eclipse. Much more so than from the previous Solar Eclipse. Try to be as wise and prudent as you can and things will calm down as the influences of the Eclipse are fading away. The important thing is to not make things worse.

Astrology and Magic:

Magic is extra strong under the influences of this Lunar Eclipse and throughout the whole waning Moon period. As we mentioned in the general section, though, we might find it more challenging to actually properly cast a spell.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse and this waning Moon period!

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