Daily Predictions for Saturday, 7 October 2017

Daily Predictions for Saturday, 7 October 2017

Daily Predictions for Saturday, 7 October 2017

General Daily Predictions: Today Moon from Taurus, will form a hexagon with Neptune in Pisces. A triangle with Pluto in Capricorn will start forming too. Water magic is strong, and Earth Magic becomes stronger.

Since today’s lunar activity is timid, we won’t be so overly focused in today’s energies, and therefore the energies of the Full Moon and the New Moon and the long lasting aspects under which they were formed, will be more obvious. So, do take a look in both articles.

Taurus, Pisces, and then Capricorn and Virgo will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Scorpio, and probably Sagittarius and Cancer will receive the most stress, but not too much of it.

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Daily Predictions for Aries:

Financial situations can be improved through intuition and metaphysical means. Problems in this aspect can find solutions through such means as well. Imagination is very vivid, and creative. Jobs making use of it will be the luckiest ones. If your hobbies makes use of it, make sure you’ll practice them.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

Magic and spirituality are still strong, but not as much as yesterday. Magic to find new friends and customers, as well as bettering your communicative abilities, are the strongest ones. Those working through internet will have the better luck, but luck will be all around today. Not gambling type of luck, though.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Your sensitivity about your position in the world and in the community you belong to is heightened. You give much focus in your public image and try to better it. As long as it doesn’t restrict your happiness, do as you think you must. Careers where public image is important receive many blessings today.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

If your job has to do with many people, or it is of a cleric or teaching nature, then it probably still is the main focus, and it keeps progressing significantly well. Otherwise, it keeps progressing easily and naturally, so, most of your focus isn’t there. Meeting and discussing with like minded people will be the main focus in this case.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

It’s a few days since the last time you felt so good and proud of yourself as you’ll be today. Things seem to be under your control and influence, and you are feeling good. Sexual energy is very strong, and so your self-confidence, sex-appeal and attractiveness are also very strong.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

There is a general luck today in your life. All things and situations progress good, slightly or more, in a seemingly effortless way. Some things, indeed, progress so effortlessly, but others progress in such a way because of your previous efforts. Enjoy the day and have fun with your significant one. You’ll have a nice time with them.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Your daily life seems pleasant, and even more importantly, feels pleasant. You see the beauty and the blessings you have. You feel more connected, in a good way, with your family, friends, lovers, co-workers… All the people you interact in a daily, or almost in a daily, bases. Health is also good, and feels this way. Sexual health may feel not so good.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

A love oriented day. Happily mostly, especially for those already in a relationship. Does your other half lives overseas? Then the blessings will be even more. The same goes if they are, or you are, there on a trip. Going on one such trip together is also favoured. If you haven’t scheduled one for today, but you want to have one such trip, plan it today. It will still receive some of the blessings of the day.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Family, home, and all the small details of life are the main focus of the day. There doesn’t seem to be many problems there, at least not new ones, so your focus will be a pleasant one. You are taking care of things, tidying up, literally and metaphorically, making phone-calls, having family dinners, things like those.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

An easy going, pleasant, yet productive day. If it so happens to be a “not-productive”, it will be because now you receive and enjoy the benefits of whatever you’ve done previously. But would you consider such a day as unproductive? Love life is happy and lucky today too. The same can be true for your children.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

If you are planning moving, or renovating or redecorating your home, this is a good and bad day to do such a thing. Bad only when it comes to expenses. You have a tendency to spend more than the needed in such activities today. If you can control this tendency, there is nothing to worry about. Some expenses for home may come your way without your planning. This will be, most probably, because you’ve been neglecting things there.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

A nice, social enough day, with a high potency to become a very good day. You are feeling good and strong and confident. All these energies radiate from you and people around you receive them and enjoy your company. Possible love interests also do receive these rays of yours, but advancements in love life are unlikely to happen today. They aren’t inauspicious, or impossible. They are improbable.

Astrology and Magic:

All kinds of magic based in Water and Earth are potent. There is not as much focus in love magic as in the rest of the days of the period, but it is strong and remains strong until the 22nd of the month.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day.

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