Daily Predictions for Thursday, 12 April 2018

Daily Predictions for Thursday, 12 April 2018

Daily Predictions for Thursday, 12 April 2018

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Pisces forms a hexagon with each Saturn and Mars, both in Capricorn. Saturn and Mars, as you probably remember are in conjunction amongst themselves. So, the Moon today blesses and brings more focus in their conjunction. The Moon also starts forming an conjunction with Neptune in Pisces. The conjunction will happen just a few minutes in the 13th (in UT) but it will affect greatly and positively this day, too.

Also, today Venus from Taurus forms an accurate hexagon with Neptune in Pisces.

So, this is going to be a good day. Magically strong, for all purposes, too. Mercury has significantly started slowing down as it gets ready to turn in to direct motion again. This is possible the most negative influence of the day and the following a few. Communications and transportations, as well as their means can be problematic. Pay extra attention there.

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Pisces, Capricorn and probably Taurus will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. The Air Signs, but not Aquarius, and the Fire Signs, but not Aries, will probably be the less lucky ones.

Daily Predictions for Aries:

Changes in your career course, or studies can occupy your mind and focus today. In most cases this doesn’t mean that a changes is forced upon you. Instead, it’s you the one who tries to make the changes. And this is a good day to think over such things. In other cases, minor changes in your work and studies may be what you’ll be thinking of.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

This is quite a good day for you to work towards the realisation of your wishes. Giving priority to what you want to do over what other people expect you to do can be a challenge. Nevertheless, make sure you’ll do at least a few things to honour yourself and your wishes.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Most, if not all, work matters proceed nicely and satisfactory. There may be some tension there, but the outcome is a good one, regardless. There is also some gabling luck. Mercury stays almost still, so not too much of it, but there is some. Of course, always keep in mind that the stars only raise your odds. They don’t secure your victory.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Love relationships receive happily stabilising energies. Long distance relationships, relationships with a considerable age difference and relationships of student-teacher type receive the most blessings. Also, love situations that were problematic the previous period have a chance to get better today.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Health receives mostly supporting energies, today. There may be an exception when it comes to feverish conditions, high blood pressure and similar conditions. In these cases you may need to take better care of yourself. Health related jobs, including paramedical and alternative healing, can have a very busy, yet good day.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

All love matters seem nice today. There may not be stress free, or effort free, but good events happen, and progress also can happen. This affects both those in a relationship and those seeking one. Especially if you are in the progress of forming a relationship.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Both work and family “fight” for your time and attention. Balancing the two of them and offering them both the care you need and want to offer can become a challenge. Try to do your best not to really neglect any of them.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

This is a mostly happy and mostly lucky day for you. Most things go your way on their own. Others need just a little push from your part, and they’ll proceed nicely, too. Whether you feel being motivated enough to give this push is debatable, though.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Setting in order your money matters is possible today. You may need to take some decisions in order to make this happen. The whole procedure can stress you a little. Don’t let this throw you out of balance. Events and situations can bring you both support and difficulties on the matter.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

Friends, siblings and, in some cases, other people you are interacting with today can inspire you, support you and motivate you to achieve whatever you want to achieve. In some cases this can happen by provoking and irritating you, rather than in a pleasant way, but the end result it’s again a beneficial one for you.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Money matters can cause enough stress today, but they mostly receive beneficial influences, in fact. Clearing your mind and stepping back a little may help you realise this better and make better use of the influences of the day. Also, in some cases, you may change your mind about some expenses and end up not making them. If so, it will be a wise decision.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

Despite the almost immovable Retrograde Mercury, this is a good day for self-advertisement. Internet pages and social media can help you on this matter. If you want to launch an advertisement campaign, this is a good day to discuss about it, but neither to actually launch it nor to finalise any agreement about it.

Also, find out how the Blue Moon influences your zodiac sign.

Astrology and Magic:

All forms of meditation and all forms of magic are strong today. Water magic and Fire magic, even more so.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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