Daily Predictions for Friday, 29 December 2017

Daily Predictions for Friday, 29 December 2017

Daily Predictions for Friday, 29 December 2017

General Daily Predictions: Today, the Moon from Taurus forms a hexagon with Neptune in Pisces, opposes Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio, and forms a triangle with Pluto in Capricorn. Then it enters a void of course period of 18 and a half hours. This will be from today at 14:01 until tomorrow at 08:31. Times, as always, are given in UT.

So, this is going to be a mooooostly good day with some tension and some difficulties, but overall, a beneficial one. So, keep calm and enjoy your day! Of course, avoid starting new projects, or signing important deal during the void of course Moon.

Capricorn, Taurus and Pisces will be the luckiest zodiacs of the day. Scorpio will be the one receiving the most stress.

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Daily Predictions for Aries:

This is a good day for you. Concerning financials and work, it can become a very good day. A strong intuition and a vivid imagination can help you be very creative and, also, find good solutions to whatever problem you may have. Contact with the other planes is very easy and promising. Sometimes they contact you without your even trying to. Nevertheless, magic needs some extra attention. It’s potent, but mistakes and obstacles are also possible.

Daily Predictions for Taurus:

This is a very good day for most aspects of your life. Socialisation and social media can play an important and pleasant role in your life. Beneficial, too, in some cases. Love life can face some tension, but as the day proceeds this tension can turn into joy. Unexpected good and bad luck in love matters should be expected. Well… you get my point! Law can also be frustrating, so be lawful today.

Daily Predictions for Gemini:

Health and psychological health can be a little sensitive today. In the same time, though, all forms of healing are very strong and promising. This includes, medicinal, spiritual and energy healing. Becoming more well known and more popular in your work, or line of business, is favoured. Both magical and non magical means can give good results, so do your best towards this goal, if this is what you want.

Daily Predictions for Cancer:

Advertisement and all forms and actions of promotion and self-promotion are favoured. Trade, online trade, and international trade can also be very promising and profitable today. Spending pleasant and relaxing time with your significant somebody, or having fun with many friends are also auspicious. But, not all plans going as you expect them to go, or as smoothly as you would like.

Daily Predictions for Leo:

Family can give you a good portion of stress today. Keep calm. In most cases, this stress will decline as the day proceeds. Other than that, all work matters receive beneficial influences. Employing magical and spiritual means to promote your business, or your career, also receives beneficial influences. Business regarding, sex, health, beauty and the arts are the luckiest ones for the day.

Daily Predictions for Virgo:

Avoid unnecessary travelling today. If you have to do it, be extra careful and also, expect delays, or other frustrating events when you use public transportation. Friends and lovers from afar can brighten your day. Long distance relationships still receiving beneficial influences. Even more, starting such a relationship today, is possible to happen.

Daily Predictions for Libra:

Money can be a little stressful today. The way you experience the situations is probably more intense than the situations call for. So, relax and re-evaluate things in a more objective way. Regardless this stress, though, work looks promising, and probably profitable. Health issues, and especially those of the head, brain and upper body receive nice therapeutic energies. If you are into healing, support these energies and you’ll have very good results.

Daily Predictions for Scorpio:

There is a need for joy, and you probably do your best to achieve that, but not all your plans go as you want them to go. Nevertheless, the day isn’t a bad one, so enjoy all the pleasurable moments and don’t focus on what went wrong. Love life can be both happy and not so, in the same time. Although events are probably pleasurable, you feel like something is not quite right. As the day proceeds, this feeling will either vanish, or grow stronger. In the latter case, pay attention to it.

Daily Predictions for Sagittarius:

Psychological health can become a little sensitive today. There is enough stress and frustration, anyway, and if there are existing psychological problems, they can act up a little. Take good care of yourself, relax, and support yourself. Despite that, work can be very productive and profitable. Taking care of your home, even if just because you need to, can be more pleasant than you thought it would be.

Daily Predictions for Capricorn:

A mostly happy and joyful day for you. Good friends, siblings and sibling figures bring you even more joy and support your dreams and goals. Parties and other events of “wide” socialising can cause you some temporal frustration. Nevertheless, you’ll have better time than you expect, whether the event happens today, or not.

Daily Predictions for Aquarius:

Avoid planing big about your business, today. In addition, avoid launching big advertising campaigns, or signing important deals. Not only the void of course Moon isn’t helpful, but also the stressed Mars can promise you too much effort for not as much gain. So, if possible, do these tomorrow. Other than that, though, your day will be pleasant and fulfilling. Even work and money wise.

Daily Predictions for Pisces:

All forms of socialisation are favoured today. Advancing your career through your social circle is possible, too. Even more, if you are in trade business, then this can be a very profitable day. Busy, but profitable. There is an optimistic feeling awakening inside you, and this can fuel all your goals and good luck. Make good use of it. Travelling, though, needs some attention. If you are driving, be extra careful. If you use other means, missing your flight, encounter delays, or things like those can happen, so do your best to avoid them, if possible.

Astrology and Magic:

Dream magic, astral travelling, and contacting different planes, times, and places are very promising today. Energy, and spiritual healing, too.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy your day!

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