Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius – July 27 2018

Predictions: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius – July 27

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius – July 27 2018

General Predictions for the Lunar Eclipse:

On July 27 at 20:20 UT the Moon accurately opposes the Sun, forming the Full Moon. This Full Moon will also be a Lunar Eclipse. It’s the Longest Blood Moon Eclipse of the Century, as the total phase of the “blood moon” eclipse of July 27 will last 1 hour and 43 minutes! From start to finish, the entire celestial event will last approximately 4 hours!

Retrograde Mars will be affected strongly by the Eclipse, and so will Uranus. The latter, just not as strongly.

The negative side of the Lunar Eclipse:

Avoiding anything dangerous during the period, and even more during the day of the Lunar Eclipse, is highly recommended. Those working with fire and iron should also be extra careful. Other than that, our nerves may be a little more on the edge than they would be without the extra stress on Mars.

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Also, this Lunar Eclipse can bring us face to face with life changing decisions or events. Gently, if we are lucky, but this is probably not a calm transition. Even more so because of the extended retrograde planetary activity demanding our slow and careful action against the Lunar Eclipse demanding our immediate one.

During the previous Eclipse, we had had 40% of the planets in retrograde motion. On this Lunar Eclipse, we’ll have 50% of them, as Mercury turns retrograde on the 25th. Mind that, during the third Eclipse of the period, 60% of the planets will be in retrograde motion. As we’ve seen, the strong retrograde activity brings delays, calls for slow pace and demands we think and plan carefully each of our actions. This opposing energy to the act-immediately one of the Eclipse, won’t produce stress only regarding our life changing events and decisions, but overall one, instead. It can manifest in many forms and in almost all aspects of our lives.

The Positive side of the Lunar Eclipse:

The Grand Triangle has ceased to exist, but there are some good news, again from the zodiacs of Earth. Uranus from Taurus and the Retrograde Saturn from Capricorn form an even stronger triangle than before. This, somehow will help us achieve the changes we want to achieve. Maybe with a lot of stress, but – most likely – successfully. Probably more successfully than we would think.

Also, the Retrograde Pluto from Capricorn and Venus from Virgo are also in a triangle. Accurate just a few ours after the Lunar Eclipse, and it will be active until the 6th of August, when Venus will enter its second house, Libra. This triangle helps all therapies, including the pharmaceutical ones. Magic based on charms, perfumes, philtres and potions is also very strong. Time travelling, dimension travelling, channelling and, of course, all forms of love magic, are also very strong.

Predictions for Aries:

As this Lunar Eclipse affects your governor, it affects you greatly, as well. Try, more than anyone else to avoid any dangerous and stressful activities, especially during the days close to the Eclipse. Resting and relaxing may be the best choice. Also, you’ll find yourself in a process of redefining your self, and the way you want to present yourself to the others.

Other than that, more or less, the Lunar Eclipse will challenge you the same ways the Solar Eclipse did. Friends, social circle, internet activity and high-tech equipment, though, may stress you a little more. What’s your personal Tarot Card for Today?

Predictions for Taurus:

This Lunar Eclipse awakes many spiritual abilities you have and you keep dormant. They may get very active, but they may not be very reliable. Nonetheless, it’s a nice opportunity for you to start practising on them. Dreams, especially may become super active. Don’t give them too much credit as omens, though,, but it’s a nice time to start keeping a dream journal.

Other than that, parents, siblings, bosses, teachers – and especially the spiritual ones – and also spiritual organizations may cause you stress and unsettlement in several way. Communication equipment and transportation equipment may need service or changing, too. Finally, a change in your work or career – in some cases a significant one – may also take place. What’s your personal Tarot Card for Today?

Predictions for Gemini:

Avoiding travelling, as much as possible, during an Eclipse is a general advice, but during this Lunar Eclipse, this advice has a greater gravity for you. The influence affects mostly travelling to other countries, but all forms of it receive at least some of the stress. If you have to travel, try to schedule the trip as far as possible from the actual day of the Eclipse. Also, students may face, or create, some changes in their studies, including change of teachers, schools and even subject. Finances can also be affected to a degree and correcting your handling of them is happening.

Friends, friendships, computers and other such equipment are tested. In general, be open minded and supportive towards your friends, and take all possible precautions regarding your high-tech equipment. What’s your personal Tarot Card for Today?

Predictions for Cancer:

This Lunar Eclipse brings some unsettlement and possible changes in your career. Changes there, greater or lesser can happen. Keep in mind, though, that this changes are not necessary bad ones. They may be stressful, or even unpleasant when they are happening, but, in most cases, they’ll be beneficial and pleasant in the long run.

Surgeries are possible for you, or a “superior” character in your life, like a parent, boss, etc. If this happens to you, proceed bravely, as the outcome will be a good one. These surgeries can be of cosmetic type, as well, as a change in your image, external or internal, can also happen under the influence of this Lunar Eclipse.  What’s your personal Tarot Card for Today?

Predictions for Leo:

Love life is affected by this Lunar Eclipse strongly. A current relationship may face problems. This can happen either because of problems in your relationship becoming more vivid and intense, or because of problems in the life of your other half getting in your relationship. Of course, strong and healthy relationships will get out of it stronger and healthier. For the singles, this influence can manifest either by empowering the feeling of loneliness, or by bringing sudden changes in your love life. Not necessarily good, but nor necessarily bad, either. Business partnerships can face similar situations, but not as strongly.

Students will deal with some stress and things can become a little messy, or change rapidly. Also, law issues can stress you, but mostly for those already having some such issues. Finally, travelling is not recommended during the period of this Lunar Eclipse, for you more than for most. What’s your personal Tarot Card for Today?

Predictions for Virgo:

Health is affected by this Lunar Eclipse in many ways. Dreams and thoughts of death, problems acting up, important people around you facing important health problems, accidents – or almost accidents – which could have ended much worse… things like those can happen. What the Lunar Eclipse tries to do via these “means” is mostly encouraging you to take better care of your health and to deal with the subject of death. In most cases, nothing harsher.

Your work also receives the Eclipse’s influences. Changes there can happen. This can mean changes inside your work environment, changes in your work conditions, changes of jobs, or finding a job if you have none. Finally, your spouse or current love, your friends and your high-tech equipment can stress you. What’s your personal Tarot Card for Today?

Predictions for Libra:

This Lunar Eclipse affects your love life, whether you are in a relationship, or not. Old wounds come to the surface and they “demand” healing. In such cases it’s easy to scratch the wound and reopen it and make it bigger. Avoid this tendency. Artists and those working a creative kind of job may find their work a little more challenging than usual. Also, high-tech equipment can malfunction and may need service or changing. If your job is based on such equipment be extra cautious and keep your schedule relaxed and flexible.

Children and parents, as well as children-figures and parent-figures, in your life face their own stresses and this stress you, indirectly. The same can happen with your boss, or superiors in your work. What’s your personal Tarot Card for Today?

Predictions for Scorpio:

Home and family are influenced by this Lunar Eclipse, strongly. Home may need repairs, or otherwise your care and attention. Family members can face problems, including health problems, which can stress you and consume most of your time and energy. Therefore, it’s a wise strategy to keep a schedule as flexible as possible. Your personal health also receives some stress, so take a good care of yourself.

There may be some minor or major changes in your work. And also you are starting to seeing your health and health-related habits under a new light, so changes regarding the latter are starting happening. This influence will conclude its changes by the 23rd of December, when we’ll enter the next Ecliptic Period. What’s your personal Tarot Card for Today?

Predictions for Sagittarius:

Transportation and communication equipment can have malfunction and they may need some kind of service, or even replacement. Furthermore, it’s wise to avoid driving, as much as possible, and, also, be a little more careful whenever on the road, for any reason.

Siblings, friends you consider as close as siblings, and, in some cases, people living nearby can face some personal challenges, which will stress you, as well, through them. Also, in some cases, the neighbourhood itself may have some issues and changes which may unsettle you, one way or an other. Other than those, a – probably kinder – reminder of the previous Solar Eclipse may happen. What’s your personal Tarot Card for Today?

Predictions for Capricorn:

This Lunar Eclipse affects your finances quite strongly. Any problems in your financial planning or strategy become clear and your action becomes necessary. Don’t take hasty decisions, though, but do take action. Some unexpected expenses, or problems in your money deals can also occur, and it would be wise to avoid any major purchases during the period.

Love is also affected by the Lunar Eclipse. In most cases, advising and helping your other half to rest and relax as much as possible can help a lot. It may even help avoid the problem altogether. Also, there may be a challenge in their health, which will, of course, stress you, too. What’s your personal Tarot Card for Today?

Predictions for Aquarius:

This Lunar Eclipse affects you very strongly as it both happens in your zodiac and influences your ruler, Uranus. So, do take good care of yourself in every possible way. Taking things easy, reducing your work load and avoiding unnecessary travelling, driving and transportation is a nice start. You may also start thinking about adopting a more healthy way of life. This can happen because of a health challenge, or it may just occur to you. Also, you’ll start changing and redefining your self, your look and your social life. This changes will continue until the next Ecliptic Period, starting on the 23rd of December.

Love life and your existing relationship will also face some challenges. These challenges may be originated by problems and wounds of your current relationship, problems and wounds from previous relationships, or even by problems in your love’s life. Heal what needs healing, and support your other half when they need your support. What’s your personal Tarot Card for Today?

Predictions for Pisces:

Your spiritual life can become quite chaotic under the influences of this Lunar Eclipse. Changes in your beliefs, spiritual schools, spiritual teachers, and even problems and shake-ups to such schools, groups and constitutions may happen. You may also feel something is happening behind the scenes, as the Fates wave your destiny without you being able to steal a good glimpse of it. Your spiritual powers also may be very active, but not necessarily trustworthy.

Also, parents and parent-figures of your life have a tendency to have some accidents. On the other hand, children and children-figures of your life may deal with some personal problems, whether this happens internally, or it’s because of challenges they face in the outer world. What’s your personal Tarot Card for Today?

Astrology and Magic:

Philtres, potions, charms, and love magic are very strong.

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and the waning Moon!

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