January Energy Calendar – Welcome 2019

January Energy Calendar - Welcome 2019

Good Morning 2019

I’m not one for making resolutions, but I am a fan of kicking of each month the right way, knowing what kinds of energy is going to come at me. As with all of the Energy calendars that I will be writing this year, they all feature as part of the Month by Month Reference Calendar in the 2019 Almanac from Ramblings of a Rainbow Witch (I will add links for those interested at the end). I will also be adding links to a Time Zone conversion table as well, which will help you work out the times of events in your own timezone.

Birthstones for January include GARNET for the Month of January. RUBY, AGATE, GARNET & BLACK ONYX for the sign of Capricorn and AMETHYST, OPAL, MOSS AGATE & SUGILLITE for Aquarius.

The Names for the Moon in January include:

? Colonial American – The Winter Moon
? Cherokee Native American – The Cold Moon
? Choctaw Native American – The Cooking Moon
? Sioux Native American – The Moon of the Terrible
? Celtic – The Quiet Moon
? English – The Wolf Moon
? Neo-Pagan – The Ice Moon

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January Energy Calendar

1st January:
* New Years Day
* The Time of the Nile Begins – Egyptian Zodiac
* Pluto Enters Rx Zone at 22:53 in Pisces

2nd January:
* The Moon enters Sagittarius at 08:58

4th January:
* The Moon enters Capricorn at 18:54

6th January:
* The ? New Moon ? in Capricorn at 01:28
* Partial Solar Eclipse at 01:41

7th January:
* The Moon enters Aquarius at 06:45
* The Time of the Nile Ends (Egyptian Zodiac)

8th January:
* The Time of Amon Ra Begins (Egyptian Zodiac)

9th January:
* The Moon enters Pisces at 19:43

12th January:
* The Moon enters Aries at 08:17

14th January:
* The Moon enters it’s ?First Quarter ? at 06:45 in Aries
* The Moon enters Taurus at 18:31

17th January:
* The Moon enters Gemini at 01:00

19th January:
* The Moon enters Cancer 03:43
* The Time of Capricorn Ends
* The Time of the Goose Ends

20th January:
* The Time of Aquarius Begins
* The Time of the Otter Begins (Native American)
* The Time of the Stag Ends (Celtic Animal)
* The Time of Birch Ends (Celtic Tree)

21st January:
* The Moon enters Leo at 03:54
* Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo at 05:12
* The ? Full Moon ? in Leo at 05:12
* The Time of the Cat Begins (Celtic Animal)
* The Time of Rowan Begins (Celtic Tree)
* The Time of Amon Ra Ends (Egyptian Zodiac)

22nd January:
* Saturn enters Rx Zone at 09:04 in Capricorn
* The Time of Mut Begins (Egyptian Zodiac)

23rd January:
* The Moon enters Virgo at 03:21

25th January:
* The Moon enters Libra at 04:02

27th January:
* The Moon enters Scorpio at 07:30
* The Moon enters it’s ? Last Quarter ? at 21:10 in Scorpio

29th January:
* The Moon enters Sagittarius at 14:32

31st January:
The Time of Mut Ends (Egyptian Zodiac)

as promised here are all the links I promised

Rainbow Witch Almanac 2019

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για rainbow witch almanac 2019

Here is the link to the UK Amazon (CLICK HERE)

Here is the link to the US Amazon (CLICK HERE) 

Until I can get the Time Zone table written up you can check out www.timeanddate.com

*)O(* Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings *)O(*

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