This part of the Summer are also known as the Dog Days. Although Summer is associated by most with vacations and rest, you must remember that the energy of Sirius – the Spiritual Sun is also aligned with our Realm. Therefore, for the awakened ones is a time for spiritual enlightenment and finding the fire that sparks inspiration within. That’s why witches use oracles. For guidance and inspiration. That’s your Summer Oracle!
Summer is a great time to get some time for yourself to master some techniques and powers that will transform your life. This is why we published this Summer Oracle. So, which image attracts you the most?

Summer oracle: What did you choose? 1, 2 or 3?
In summary, each choice offers a different aspect of the self to embrace and connect with. The advice is to choose the image that resonates most with you and pay attention to the messages and symbols it offers for personal growth.
The Nymph of the forest
Did you choose this amazing spirit of the forest? In summer everything in nature is vibrant and the colors vary from perfect green to all kinds of oranges and reds and browns… this is also a symbol of cornucopia of the Summer. She is the Nymph who rejoices the rebirth of Nature and the kingdom of Sun. Well my dear, it seems you stepped into a fairy ring! But what does it mean?
– If you choose the young spirit of the forest (fairy), it may suggest a desire for playfulness, curiosity, and a connection with nature. It could also indicate a need to tap into your inner child and embrace your imagination.
Let’s see more details…
If you choose the young spirit of the forest (fairy), it could be an invitation to explore your playful, curious and lighthearted side. Fairies are often associated with magic, wonder, and the natural world. Choosing this image may suggest a desire to connect with nature, call upon a sense of adventure, and open yourself up to childlike wonder and awe.
Some possible advice for this choice could include spending more time outside in nature, engaging in creative play, practicing mindfulness and being present in the moment, and embracing your intuition and imagination. It could also signify a time to let go of seriousness, pressures and limitations, and instead, allow yourself to feel free, imaginative and spontaneous.
Magical Power unleashed this Summer: Gratitude, the key of unlocking abundance (click to learn how to master this power).
The Queen Goddess
Well, for summer you are all about duties and growth aren’t you? But we’ll get to that. First things first. You choose Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld who is in our Realm during the summer. She is the Goddess who got lost in the Underworld but married to might Hades, the King of the Underworld. She is not just a beautiful Goddess. No no. She is a Queen. A might, beautiful and extremely powerful Queen who knows her powers. So… you chose her!
– If you choose the queen goddess, it may signify a call for leadership and sovereignty. It could also suggest a need for order, structure, and a desire to embrace your power.
Let’s see more details…
If you choose the queen Goddess, it could be a sign of your inner strength, power, and leadership qualities. Queens are often seen as powerful figures who are in charge, embodying control, order, and authority. Choosing this image may suggest a desire to step into your own power, assertiveness, and confidence.
Some possible advice for this choice could include focusing on developing leadership skills, setting boundaries, and being assertive when needed. It may also indicate a need to embrace your femininity, inner beauty, and grace while ruling. This choice may also suggest a time of establishing structure, routine, and discipline, in order to create stability and success in your life. Finally, it may also prompt you to think about how you can support and empower others around you as a leader.
Magical Power unleashed this Summer: Manifestation (click to learn how to master this power).
The Mermaid
– If you choose the mermaid, it may indicate a longing for emotional depth, connection with the sea, and exploring your inner world. It could also suggest the need for balance between your emotions and logic.
Let’s see more details…
If you choose the mermaid, it could signify a deep emotional connection, intuition, and spirituality. Mermaids are often associated with the sea, which represents the unconscious, and the depths of the human psyche. Choosing this image may suggest a need for emotional depth, exploration of the inner world, and connection with the divine.
Oracle’s advice includes paying attention to your emotions, dreams, and intuition, allowing your heart and imagination to guide you, and exploring your own spiritual beliefs and practices. It may also indicate a time of openness, creativity, and emotional expression, whether through art, writing, or other forms of self-expression. It may be a time to deepen your relationships and connections with others, as well as a time to seek wisdom and guidance from your ancestors, spirit guides or deities. Finally, this image may prompt you to pay closer attention to the balance and flow of emotion in your life, and to seek harmony and alignment within yourself and with the world around you.
Magical Power unleashed this Summer: Dream Magic and Prophetic Powers (click here to learn how to master this power)